Sunday, March 1, 2015

Go Texan Day

Poor Henry had a rough start to his week with four shots at his doctor's appointment.  It is always more interesting to go to the doctor now because we go as a foursome to every appointment.  When I declined the hearing test for Henry (due to insurance not covering it), I mentioned that I knew he could hear just fine.  Josiah piped up that, yes, Henry yells a lot.  True as well.  We also enjoyed (?) dissecting his birthday cake each day.  We could not cut off squares of cake starting from a corner and working our way up/over.  On the first day, Henry wanted to eat the clown's head - smack in the middle of the cake.  Since it was his birthday, I carefully cut it out.  The next day he wanted to eat the clown's hat.  Josiah wanted the clown's leg the first day and his other leg the second day.  From there Henry moved on to the clown's green balloon, while Josiah wanted part of Henry's name.  The "EN" to be specific.  Needless to say, the cake was butchered and Todd and I are both happy to have the temptation out of the house.
Henry chose the placement of the candles.
Henry chose green for himself, purple for Caroline, blue for Todd & I, and red for Josiah.  
Josiah lost another tooth this week.  Technically, Henry pulled out another one of his teeth.  I believe this is the third tooth Henry has pulled out.  It was barely hanging on, but Josiah didn't have it in himself to pull hard enough.  So, he called Henry over to pull it out and Henry walked over and plucked it right out of his mouth.  He now has four gaps in his teeth and only one more loose tooth at this point.  His tiny mouth is going to have permanent teeth on top of each other - there is no room for these teeth to grow in.
Josiah had drive-in movie night at Awana this week.  The kids each make a car (at home) using a box and decorating it however they want.  Last year, he made a Doc Hudson box car and it turned out pretty cute.  This year, he wanted to make a fire truck out of the box, but we only had a small amount of red construction paper left.  So, he decided to use pink and purple paper (of which we have an abundance).  He did it all himself and added tires, a front end, a walkie talkie, and even used stamps to decorate it (ink stamps).  I cut out a few windows.  It was very much a car "created by a child."  When we got to Awana that evening, I walked him into the big room and saw the other cars.  These looked professionally done.  They had a batman car, an ice cream truck, and so many others that were AMAZING.  They were painted and cut out to look exactly like what they were.  It was a stark contrast to Josiah's pink and purple fire truck.  So, it was to my amazement that when I went to pick him up that night, he had won an award for his car - the Cubbies Choice Award.  They had the Cubbies (younger kids 4-5 yrs old) walk through the room and pick out their favorite car.  Josiah's got picked.  :)  His prize was a movie theater sized box of Swedish Fish that he had picked out of the pile because they were red.
The Cubbies Choice fire truck.
On Thursday, Henry received his birthday package from Grandad and Nana and he had a very good time opening it up.  Caroline again tried on his new underwear to make sure it fit.  Even Josiah had a gift in there - a red bow tie.  He was very, very excited to get that.  Immediately he wanted to wear it to CC on Friday.  And so he did.
For his presentation, he chose to present Henry's new ninja turtle action figure.  Then half way through his presentation he said it was my birthday and we should sing.  I nixed it at that point.  Then at the end of his presentation he said, "Ok, everybody, let's all sing Happy Birthday to my mommy."  And so they did.  To his delight.  His card to me this year had a cup of coffee on the front.  On the inside it had a big heart with Josiah on the left, me on the right, and a cup of coffee in the middle.  I do like my coffee.

It was Go Texan Day today.  At church, everyone wore their western gear (except my kids because they got their boots all muddy at CC on Friday and I have yet to clean them).  We sang very fun, twangy Gospel songs in the service.  The boys each went home with a sheriff's badge and a color-your-own bandana.  We don't have fabric markers here, so we pretty much can't wash these since we used our Crayolas on them.
Henry coloring his bandana which he called his "rug."
He wanted to make sure I got the bandana AND the badge.
Our art projects this week were minions.  The boys watched Despicable Me 2 from the library and made minions all week.  They like my laminator as much as I do and after doing some art projects they want to laminate them to keep them for all of time.

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