Sunday, November 22, 2015

Grandad & Nana Come to Texas

Since we had company coming mid-week, we started our week off with a bang and got a lot of school and activities completed in the first three days.

We did a science experiment measuring volume of water and how much each container holds.  The boys had to guess what the order of the containers would be with regards to volume.  I found it interesting that both thought the slightly tall, but thin water bottle would hold more than a fatter (and almost similar height) cup.  Henry did say that he put his containers in height order.  Josiah only had two mixed up.  Of course, afterwards they thought it would be fun to drink the water out of the containers.  Josiah picked the biggest pitcher and after a few minutes told me his belly ached.  That's pretty much what'll happen when you try to drink 14 cups of water in one sitting.
We made shaved crayon art (shaved crayons ironed between two pieces of wax paper).  After we had finished, Josiah said they turned out differently than he thought they would.  I had to admit the same.  They were not very pretty.  But it was also a dreary, rainy day.  The next day they shone much better with the light and were prettier.
Crayon art in background.
They also got some painting time in.  For some reason, Henry turned into OCD Henry during this activity.  After he finished his painting, he would get a wipe and clean up his area completely.  Then he'd paint another picture.  Then he'd clean up his area again, as well as Josiah's area and Caroline's area.  He actually made Caroline pick up her picture that she was currently working on so that he could wipe up underneath it.  This kid was thorough.  I was proud.  I love thorough.  :)
Henry the cleaning man.
They had a lot of fun with a box for about 12 hours, because that's how long boxes last around here.
They injured each other.  Henry scratched Josiah because Josiah would not stop pretending to be a bus, a bus that consistently ran into Henry.  Henry also threw a harmonica at Josiah because Josiah put Henry's Lego creations back in the Lego bucket (they are allowed to keep their creations out during clean-up time).  So we talked a lot about using our words as well as not provoking one another to anger.  Pretty much the story of our lives around here...every day...all day long.
Yes, we do feed Josiah.  A lot.  
And then Wednesday evening came and the kids were gloriously reunited with Grandad and Nana.  You would think I would have great pictures of said reunion.  Alas, I do not.  (Goal for next week though - more pictures with Grandad & Nana!)

The boys got Lego kits, Caroline got new dolls.  The boys got to show them the library.  Caroline cracked everyone up with her running commentary on life.  She pretty much talks constantly.
I got to go out and spend two hours at Target all by myself.  Of course, most of it was spent in the toy section, but at least I didn't have to say, "No, I'm not going to buy that, but you can save up your money if you want it." ad nauseum.

Caroline wakes up every morning and asks, "Grandad and Nana still here?  I get up and go see them.  I love them."

Henry requested that Josiah wake him up early Friday morning so he could spend even more time with his grandparents.  So, Josiah woke him up at 5 am, two hours before Henry's normal wake-up time.  It was no surprise that when I picked him up from Awana that night, his leader said, "He didn't talk much this evening."  Yeah, that's pretty much because he's probably sleep walking.

Grandad has spent the past couple of days refining Josiah's bike riding training.  He had him practicing his starts and braking.  Josiah has improved immensely since their arrival.  He pretty much can ride around completely on his own now.  He is much steadier while he rides as well.  I got to watch him from inside today and I could see the big smile on his face as he rode down our sidewalk.  He was very proud and happy to be riding so well.
The boys even got to see the new Peanuts movie.  Henry and I struggled to stay awake at times, but we all enjoyed it.
We should have an easy week ahead.  A vacation of sorts from school to celebrate family here, as well as Thanksgiving.

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