Sunday, June 26, 2016


We made it to church for Father's Day even after all of our travels.  Todd picked up Henry from his classroom and Henry asked him, "Are you as big as a door?"  Todd answered honestly, but then he saw Henry's sheet that he had done that day entitled, "My Daddy."  He filled in different items like his Daddy's name, age, favorite food, favorite color, etc.  For the statement, "He is as big as...," Henry had his teachers write in, "a door."

The boys did Vacation Bible School at our church all week.  The theme was "Submerged" and so there were lots of underwater animals/games/etc. as part of it.  Todd had also bought them goggles while we were gone, so they spent a lot of the afternoons this week wearing their goggles and pretending to be in a submarine.
Josiah, not looking forward.
scuba gear
I selfishly didn't volunteer thinking it would be great to have a morning just me and Caroline all week.  But it didn't really end up that way.  We spent the majority of the morning driving to and fro.  I hadn't anticipated morning traffic, and construction on the roads, so it wasn't much of a morning.  Next year I'll definitely volunteer.

VBS exhausted Henry and Caroline, so there were many more naps than usual.  This also meant we had more night owls than usual, too.


I discovered I had more respect for Todd than before when I cut the grass on Monday.  I started with the backyard, which I do on occasion.  Super easy, no problem.  Then I did the front yard for the first time.  It was 2:30 p.m. on a summer afternoon in Texas.  Our front yard doesn't look that big, but I was drowning in sweat by the end.  I guzzled the water down.  So now when Todd mows the front I will have much more sympathy when he comes in all hot and sweaty and tired.

Mid-week, Todd spoke on the phone with a lady from church about a volunteering opportunity he had inquired about.  Towards the end of the conversation, she asked him, "Are you Henry's dad?"  He answered in the affirmative, and she turned out to be his Sunday School teacher.  She said they just love him and mentioned how much he talks in class!!!  He told them all about Virginia and the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel.  I never knew, and would not have guessed, that he spoke a lot in class!  Caroline always tells me how she never speaks during her class.  She's almost proud of not saying a word.

The last day of VBS they had an evening rally for families to attend.  Josiah and Henry were excited to see Scuba Steve.  Todd and I cracked up because Scuba Steve was actually one of the youth pastors at the church and he spoke in an Australian accent the whole time.
Caroline enjoyed the songs and dance.  She tried to keep up with the dancers arm movements for the first few numbers.  Then she just talked and moved around the rest of the time.
Saturday, the boys got on their bikes to ride and it promptly rained.  It's so hot here, that we just let them go with it.  They had a great time riding.

The kids were looking cute before church this morning, so I ushered them to the backyard for a couple of pictures.

We're headed back to school next week.  We're going to do school-lite for a few weeks.  The kids will be thrilled I'm sure.

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