Sunday, July 17, 2016

Cows, Chicken, & Nemo

The theme of this week should be "late nights" (and I'll add to that, "sleepy mother").  Monday evening a man Todd has known for many years came over to talk about his life as a missionary.  While I was trying to listen to Todd and him speak of the state of the country in which he serves and about past mutual friends, the boys kept asking when it was time for cake.  Company = Dessert.  After cake he showed us lots of pictures of the city he lives in and people there.  The kids all continuously raised their hands while saying, "I have a question."  They ranged from, "Why is the house that color?" and "What type of bird wings [did the architect design] on the ends of that bridge?" to Henry's oh-so-hilarious, "Is that where people go to the bathroom?" type questions.  I think Caroline just liked to say, "I have a question." because most of her questions were statements of observations.  It was a late evening, but well worth it.

There was no down time the next day either.  After finishing their lessons in the morning, the kids got to work on their cow costumes for Chick-fil-a Day.  Cow outfits = Free food.  Todd and I purchased the cow t-shirts, but everything else the kids did on their own.
Henry made a yogi cow.  Oommmmm.
Before we got to Chick-fil-a Caroline said she was a big girl this year and she wasn't going to be scared of the giant cow that walks around.  She was pretty sure of herself.  However, when we were eating in the restaurant, I noticed she had kept her fries in the big bag.  I took them out for her to lay on top of the bag and make them easier to reach.  She cautiously looked around her and asked, "Is the big cow going to take them?"  I said no, but then she had to ask about her juice box as well.  When the big cow finally did make an appearance, she jumped in my lap and repeatedly said she did not want it near her.
The Big Cow!
Maybe next year.
Caroline proudly made her cow face.
It was another late evening that day.  Our church had a showing of Finding Nemo, a pajama party/movie night.  They had a bunch of boxes of popcorn laid out for folks to take.  Then they had a "fixin's bar" for the popcorn.  So the boys spooned in marshmallows, Cheez-Its, Skittles, M&Ms, pretzels, and whatever else was there, on top of their popcorn.  You can rest assured they made multiple trips up to the fixin's bar.  Even Caroline got in the action with the marshmallows.

Henry spent most of the movie quite upset.  We had brought a blanket for the kids to lay upon while the movie was playing.  The kids didn't lay on it, though; they ate their popcorn while sitting on the adjacent chairs.  Well, a little boy did sit on our blanket (his mom asked me) while waiting for the movie to start and Henry was not moved to "treat others as you want to be treated."  He repeatedly told me that he was saving the blanket to sit on once the movie began.  And he could have sat on the blanket with the boy.  It was a big blanket and a small boy.  But that wasn't his plan and Henry has a hard time when his plans get changed without his permission.
This is a pained smile because I'm trying to take his picture and he's desperately trying to cover his face.
He's still mad about the little boy on "his" blanket.
The summer reading program we're doing through the library has "Challenges" each week.  One challenge was to go to a library program.  So, mid-week, Josiah got to enjoy a program about turtles and tortoises.  It was a grade-school kids-only class, so I stayed with the littles in the library reading books to them.  Josiah had a great time, but said he never touched the live turtles they had in there.  It had been so long since we had been to the library, that we were very happy to fill up our bag with new books.  The kids have been reading a lot more this week because of it.

I had another late night that night.  I am volunteering in another church's VBS later in the month and I had to go to some training in the evening.  We had been to this church before and I knew of one way to get there, but thought I'd Google it to see if there was a quicker route.  There was.  So, I wrote it down, but for whatever reason the name of the exit sounded new to me.  I had it in my head that I had to drive far from our house because this church was somewhat far away.  So, I ended up driving on the toll road way far out into the country until the road signs were giving me the mileage for San Antonio.  So, I turned around, racked up more tolls, and finally made it to the church, late of course.  I was still confused as to why my exit, the one I had written down to take, was not an exit on the highway.  I was silently cursing the people at Google who clearly did not give me good directions.  It was not until I got home that night, that Todd told me I should have taken the exit nearest our house and he gave me the landmarks.  The exit we always take.  And then the light bulb went off.  So, I apologized for the tolls and called it a night...

Later in the week, we had to go back to the church to meet with a pastor.  He wanted to make sure I wasn't heretical since I am assigned as a lead teacher in one of the kindergarten classrooms.  We went the old route this time, and made it to the church with no problems.  And, fortunately (?maybe?), they found my beliefs to be in line with theirs, so, I guess I'm on the hook to teach.  Todd and I had formulated lots of funny responses to questions if they asked.  If I were more ballsy, I could have started talking about the "great" Joel Osteen as if I went to his church (which is in Houston).

On Thursday, the kids wanted to play outside, but it was so hot out, that it seemed they could get heat stroke just standing there.  So, we unpacked our kiddie pool and I got to exercise my lung power and blow it up.  They really enjoyed the pool.  They chilled in it.
They jumped in it, but quickly realized that jumping and landing on your bum in a pool on the hard ground was not the most comfortable.
Caroline had to be told to stop sucking on the actual hose.  It was one thing to drink the hose water.  It's another to have her mouth fully encase the metal end.
Todd and I were exhausted from such a busy week, so Saturday ended up being a bust of a day.  Josiah spent his Saturday making his own Avengers.
On the way to church this morning, Henry piped up and said, "When I close my eyes and say a word, I can see the pictures.  They're moving like a movie."  He showed me how he did it and then explained it again to a curious Josiah.  Caroline, not wanting to miss out on the conversation, said, "Mommy.  When I close my eyes, I can't see anything."  That's right darling.

It was a long and busy week.  Next week will be filled with lots of VBS preparations.  That and lots of prayers for leading the class.  I'm kind of freaking out on the inside.

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