Sunday, September 4, 2016

Spiky Hair, Please.

Caroline is going to be one smart 3-year-old.  She wants to sit at the table and "do school" with her brothers more and more.  After she watches Henry do his math lesson, she always wants me to teach her the same lesson.  Personally, Henry's math seems a bit too easy for him, (we've been doubling up on lessons to move up sooner), so it's not all that surprising that Caroline could it, too.  Here's she's putting our little circle things (that I wish we had a name for) in an AB pattern.
Matching my tower to hers in height:
She even insists that I give her a sheet of paper with letters on it when the boys are practicing their handwriting.  She's trying to write the letters in her name.
We are fresh from recess.  Henry likes to wear a towel on his head when he's sweaty.
When we practice the kids presentations for CC, she will often give a presentation as well.  The presentation topic at CC last week was, "Somewhere you have been or somewhere you want to go."  Henry chose the beach we go to in Delaware.  We asked him what he wanted to say about it and his reply was, "We get to watch Teen Titans and sometimes Ninjago there."  Todd and I encouraged him to expand his focus a bit onto the beach part of the trip, maybe just a few facts about the state and ocean.  Henry was a bit rambunctious in his CC room this week.  He can go from quiet and reserved to wild and silly at the drop of a hat it seems.  He kept hugging on another little boy that was sitting next to him and the other little boy said they were best friends.  The other little boy participates in everything they do in class so he should be a good influence for Henry.

For recess one day this week, we ventured out to the backyard because it has been so hot in the front.  There's little shade in the mornings in front.  The boys wanted me to mow the back, so I did and all three kids spent a fair amount of time running along the paths I made in the grass.  It was no ordinary mow job.  Poor Caroline got eaten alive by mosquitoes, though.

One of the best things about doing homeschool with little kids is that we get to reread all the classic childhood books again.  Last week we finished Socks by Beverly Cleary.  This week we made it halfway through Stuart Little.  I couldn't remember what Stuart Little was about, and I must say, the cover just didn't look very appealing to me.  But I  knew it was a good piece of literature to read to them, so we started it.  Henry loves it. He is always asking me to read him more chapters.  Josiah took it for his quiet reading time and read three chapters ahead.  Josiah said he originally didn't think it looked good, so I got to be all adult to him and say, "Don't judge a book by its cover."

Henry had Josiah's Lowes' creative streak hit him this week.  He created a Lowes' kit of Superman for us to do.  First we had to check in and sign the waiver, as always.  (Already at 5 and 7, they know they have to sign waivers to participate in anything.  "I will not sue you should this activity result in my death.")
Henry's waiver was fairly simple.  A box to check next to a backward S for Superman.
He had the instructions and the parts.

He included a comic in his, too.
The finished product.
Josiah's - he had to color it all.
Caroline finished out her week by going to get her hair cut for the first time.  All my attempts at cutting her hair have been horrible failures.  Cutting in a straight line is not as easy as it looks.  She's been asking us to take her all week.  We went Saturday at 6:00 p.m. and discovered they closed at 6:00 p.m.  She was so upset she just stood by the car door refusing to get in.  She wanted a hair cut and she wanted it right then.  We made it back on Sunday and she did really well.  I told the girl it was sort of Caroline's request to go there, so just to take a few inches off and shape it a bit.

Caroline did really well following the hair dresser's directions.
When we left the shop, I asked her if she liked it.  (She wouldn't talk in the store.)  She said it wasn't like the boys hair.  She wanted a cut like the boys.  Then later at bedtime, she was more specific and said she wanted her hair spiked up like Josiah's.  They always spike up his front section when we go.
I kept having visions of her as a teenager with 80's spiky hair. For now we'll settle on a sweet little girl haircut.
Tomorrow is Labor Day.  Josiah asked what Labor Day was, so Google let us know.  Then he whispered to me that we need to get Todd doughnuts for Labor Day since he's the one who labors for us.  Maybe that'll sweeten his morning so he won't complain much when we do school.  He cannot stand to do school when Todd is home.  But, as I told them at the start, we are 6 weeks on, 1 week off.  Our 1 week off is our holiday.  Tomorrow begins week 3.

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