Sunday, November 27, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday started out with a trip to the doctor's for Henry.  His rash was still all over his body and he told me that morning it "burned."  That didn't sound good.  Pediatrician offices during shortened holiday weeks are always delightful.  Henry contentedly sat back in the waiting room and watched The Little Mermaid.  The doctor said it looked like a strep throat rash and gave us antibiotics.  We totally didn't expect that, so we were very glad we went.  He and I went off to Costco to get his meds and had a bite to eat while we waited.  Henry had asked for some chocolate ice cream, and when we got in line he said, "I think I'll have a hot dog, too."
Josiah was a little upset when I relayed Henry's height and weight after his doctor's appointment.  He went upstairs and weighed himself, coming in 7 pounds lighter than Henry.  Josiah has actually closed the weight gap by a few pounds, so he's doing really well, but to him he only saw he was lighter.  However, when it comes to height, both boys talk about how Josiah is taller and bigger than Henry.  Even so, I spoke with Josiah again about body types and sizes, etc.  I told him some of his strengths with his body, namely he's super agile and flexible.  He can contort his body and move it every which way.  He was pleased with this and made sure everyone knew he was flexible.  ;)

Todd had a moment with Henry this week.  Oftentimes Henry seems more mature than his age, and yet there are times that he is clearly only five.  When he went to bed one night, he wanted to make sure he put on his Ninja Turtle cape that attached to his pajamas when he woke up.  He had put it on his nightstand table which was at his eye level, but he was still worried he'd forget it.  So, he had me write a note that said, "Don't forget to get your cape." and placed it on top of his cape.  The next morning, he brought it downstairs and asked for Todd's help getting it on.  He's still just a little guy wearing a cape thinking he's a superhero.

The boys made a clubhouse in the school room one day.  They were tired of Caroline messing with their things as made clear through their signage.
No girls allowed except Nana
Boys are free, ages 5-10.
The boys were all into magic tricks for the first half of the week.  Nana & Grandad graciously sat through many, many, many magic tricks.  Henry had us pick a card, look at it, then he put it back in the stacked deck and found it.  He had some success with it, through much practice.
Josiah's trick had him spread the cards out face down, we picked a card and held it.  He picked up the rest of the cards and then spread them out face up.  We put our face down card back in his face up deck.  He picked the cards up, shuffled them, flicked the deck for good luck, and then spread them back out face down.  Miraculously ours was the only face up card showing.  While the trick was obvious to any adult watching, it seemed to genuinely surprise Josiah.  He really thought he was doing some magic.

For it being Thanksgiving week you would think that meals would have been set and planned, but poor Grandad & Nana had to deal with lots of failed dinners.  One night my meat wasn't thawed.  Another night we scratched the meal due to forgetting side dishes.  Fortunately Todd cooked them a good steak, they enjoyed a Smashburger another night, and I stayed away from the Thanksgiving meal so that it all turned out well.  Nothing says hospitality like having our guests cook the feast.

We did take the opportunity to take a couple of pictures.  We got a nice one with the Grandparents/Grandkids.
And we got our turkey pictures.

The kids have been a bit on the wild side the whole week it seems.  Grandad has helped get the boys outside by practicing throwing balls.
They made paper airplanes and flew them .
We tried to get a little bit of that energy out at a playground Thanksgiving afternoon.  They had a lot of fun and were very, very loud.  I sort of felt bad for the guys playing basketball that my kids were so loud, but not bad enough to tell them to quiet down.  They played tag which was really fun to watch.  They were running, chasing, screaming, squealing, and just having fun.  Caroline kept asking me to help her, "I want to do the gym."  I don't know why she called it the gym, but she was consistent.
She and Henry swung really well on it.  The boys liked to slide down the parallel bars, too.
It was our goal to paint the front door and weather-treat the fence while Grandad & Nana were visiting.  So far, we've done neither, but I somehow got to paint the downstairs bathroom, even though it was "perfectly fine as it was" according to Todd.
The perfectly fine bathroom of the previous owner.
The previous owner really liked the light, pastel-ish lime greenish color.  She had painted three rooms in the house this color.  I was never a fan of it.  The kids wanted to help out.  They finally got to help paint the wall behind the door.  I documented their painting.

Then while I was doing touch-ups today, Caroline documented my painting.  It was tight quarters and I liked to test out all warnings.  "Do not sit or stand on top step."  Well, we'll just try that out and see what happens.  We'll even do it in flip flops just to make it more interesting.  
Henry's a  funny kid.  Last night he came into our bed a few hours before dawn.  I heard him running to our room and he runs with a very heavy foot.  As he woke up this morning, he climbed over me to get out of bed, and he said, "I run to your room when I have a bad dream.  I walk to your room when I have a good dream."  But either way, he's coming at 2 a.m.

Today I took Henry to Sonic.  He had been asking me for several days to go just the two of us.  He's a fun kid and good company.  He was very sweet and brought home a bit of his milkshake and his cherry for Josiah.  When Josiah first saw Henry's Sonic cup, he went into meltdown mode, but was very happy to get that cherry.

Our school starts again tomorrow.  Josiah keeps saying we're not starting back up until January, so I'm sure it'll be a good day with lots of happy, focused learning.  

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