Sunday, February 5, 2017

Talkative at Three

The Super Bowl was in Houston this year.  Caroline told us that people in her class were talking about the Super Bowl and I guess her teacher asked if she was going to watch it.  She said, "No, I don't have that movie."  Then after we had been watching it for some time, the boys were talking about "the Super Bowl" and she kept saying she wanted to watch it.  She had no idea it was a football game.  Todd and I are pretty convinced that she and Henry thought it was a talking competition.  They both used a week's worth of words during the first half alone.

Caroline has had a lot to say this week.  While I was making dinner the other night, we had this conversation,
Caroline - "Mommy?"
E - "Yes."
C - "I love you most of the time."
E - "Well, I love you all of the time."
C - "Well, I love you most of the time."
Thank you....let me get back to making you a delicious, well-balanced meal.

She also talks a lot about her wishes lately.  She'll often say, "I wish I could do the iPad."  (or insert whatever she wants to do).  I'll tell her, no, because she's already done it for the day, and she'll always reply, "I know, but I wish."  This conversation is repeated all throughout the day with whatever she wishes to do.

She was also the star of the show at the dentist office this week.  We had morning appointments, but when they called to confirm it they said they had an 8:30 opening and I stupidly said, "Sure."  Sometimes I think I only have one child and that child is Josiah who is up and alert at 6:00 a.m. every day.  But I don't, I have three kids who all need to eat and get their teeth flossed and brushed, plus leave early to beat the morning traffic.  We did make it, but I won't make that mistake again.  Once there, Caroline talked nonstop.  It is an open dentist office, so I stayed with Henry while he was being worked on, while another hygienist took Josiah and Caroline.  I could hear Caroline talking the whole time.  "I'm three.....I like all the colors in the rainbow."  Fortunately everyone seemed to enjoy her chatter.  She's not a shy one.

We did get some school done this week.  Actually, Josiah's been doing great lately.  He's enjoying multiplication which is awesome, plus he has had it as his goal to finish school by noon each day.  That has made him focus better, work more efficiently, and he doesn't whine and complain nearly as much.  It's been great.  We're studying weather in science now, and we were learning about air currents.  We used a pan of water, put a cup of boiling water under it at one end, and a cup of frozen/ice water at the other end.  Then we put a drop of food coloring in each area to see how they would react, which is similar to what happens in warm air vs. cold air.
 The molecules are moving fast in the warm water/air.  It was neat to watch, but it took a little long for the kids.  They just wanted to get their hands in there and swirl up the water.
The boys ended their week with karate belt tests.  Henry went first and was going for his yellow-black belt.  They really worked him.  He showed his fists and kicks.

He sparred with Mr. Thomas.

He broke his board, and he earned his new belt.

Josiah was worked pretty hard himself.  He had to do his forms.

Hit with his instructor.
He broke a board as well, and earned his orange-black belt.
They were pretty proud of their new colors.

The boys also had a fun time riding their old bike.  It looks like a clown bike now.  It's even too small for Caroline.

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