Sunday, March 5, 2017

Decorating Help

Caroline has had a rough week.  She woke up at 1:30 a.m. Tuesday morning and got sick "from both ends" the same time.  We felt really bad for her.  She managed to go back to sleep only to be awoken again at 3:30 a.m. and this time it was worse.  We were tired Tuesday morning.  Todd ended up staying home with her so I could take the boys to CC and another appointment.  Mid-morning, I asked how she was doing and he said she was eating cheerios, drinking water, chatting him up and sent this picture:
We thought she was better, but then the same thing happened Saturday morning.  It was the exact same thing.  We think it may be a food issue, not a virus issue.  My guess is salami. She loves her salami, but I don't think her insides like it.  We're introducing foods little by little now to see if we can catch anything else.  She's not too happy about the restrictions.  Lately, she's been getting upset when she can't have the same foods as the boys.

Since she could not go to her classroom at church (the whole no throwing up and no diarrhea for 24 hours rule), she hung out with Todd and I at the Resource Center where he volunteers.  She did not exactly sit still for the sermon, but she downed a lot of cheerios and water.

To keep her entertained and not running around, the boys put on a lot of puppet shows.  There were quite a few arguments over director rights, story line, puppet handlers, and dialogue,  They got a bit of it sorted out when the law was going to shut down the theater, so Caroline got a few minutes of entertainment, unless she included the 15-20 minutes of squabbling before the actual show.
We learned about clouds early in the week and we tried to make pictures of them using cotton balls.  Using white paper wasn't the brightest, but two out of three kids enjoyed it.

The boys have been identifying clouds every time we're outside, so at least they learned something.  We've had quite a few stratonimbus clouds this weekend.  Before the rain came, we raked up some leaves in the front yard.  That's what we do in March, rake the leaves that didn't exactly fall in the Fall.  The kids had fun jumping in the pile.  The fun ended when one child jumped on another child's back instead of the leaves, causing one to go inside angry and the other to go in due to pain.
The boys have decorated even more walls of the house and have even expanded to Todd's office.  It started off with the boys making framed pictures.  Basically they folded over the sides of the paper to make it look like a frame, or as Henry liked to think, a window.
Henry made a lot for Todd to take to work.
Later that same day, we played an Angry Bird dice game for our review work.  Basically after every question, they rolled their die and would do the bird's body, then eyes, then beak, then tail feathers (4 turns).  After drawing lots of birds during the review, the boys kept adding to their pictures and were making entire Angry Bird scenes.  The only wall that could accommodate that much artwork was Todd's wall in our bedroom.  So there they are.  He's always said he didn't know what to put there.
the whole shebang
Caroline turns the big 4 next week.  She has requested cupcakes just like from the birthday party she went to last week.  Cupcakes, strawberry frosting swirled on top with a slice of a strawberry on top of that.  We'll see what we can accomplish.  I've never piped or swirled any sort of frosting, so it'll be interesting.  We'll go for flavor.

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