Sunday, November 5, 2017

Go Astros!

Last Sunday, Josiah woke up and said he had pink eye.  He tends to say this whenever he has even the smallest amount of crust on his eyes in the morning.  So, I didn't think much of it.  We did make him stay home from church just as a preventative (because I didn't actually open my eyes to look at his eyes when he woke me up early Sunday morning, and he had cleaned them up by the time I was awake).  But then Monday morning, his eyes really were crusty.  Argh!  Fortunately, our pediatrician gave us eye drops for just this thing several months ago.  We looked at the label and he gave us 10 refills.  Thank you, doctor.  It only took two days and his eyes looked as good as new.  We quarantined him for most of Monday to prevent an epidemic in our house.

We had some late nights watching the World Series.  Before Game 6, Henry was cheering, "Ass, Ass, Astros!"  Keep the word together, son. It was pretty exciting to win the whole thing.  The next day it was a race to get all the gear.  Todd learned that there was a very long line outside of the Houston Chronicle because all the newspapers had been sold out everywhere.  Sporting good shops had several hour long lines just for t-shirts.  We were excited, but not crazy enough to stand in those sorts of lines.  We're also glad the games are finally over because we were staying up way too late watching them.
We did partake of a Houston Astros doughnut.  No lines for those.

We didn't do Halloween this year, but neither did most of this area.  It ended up raining Halloween evening and with the World Series (Game 6) starting at 7:00, the joke around here was that it was going to be the shortest Halloween ever.  We did have the kids go from door to door within our house and Todd and I would dress up and give them treats.  At one door we gave Henry a can of corn to make up for the corn he missed out on at Sweet Tomatoes.  They always have a fun time doing it. Caroline, who normally does not like chocolate, has a new found love for Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

Caroline was excited to earn her white-brown belt at karate this week.  She was being a bit silly in class, so I wasn't sure they'd give it to her, but she boldly asked for it.  "I'm supposed to get my brown belt today."  I think she said it with the understanding that she wasn't leaving the dojo without it.

The boys were glad to go back to robotics this week.  At the beginning I was talking to the instructor and asking how class was going (and if the boys were behaving).  He was telling me what they were going to do that day.  It was a robot that had 47 steps to make it and he thought it would be a two-day project.  When Caroline and I came back towards the end the boys had finished their robot.  They were very proud.  It moved very slowly, but the instructor said he'd help them make it move faster next time.  I'm glad they're enjoying the class so much.
We had a rousing weekend of cleaning up the house.  The kids have probably never been more excited for school to start.  We're headed back to Dewberry Farm this week, so it should be a fun one.

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