Sunday, December 17, 2017

A Week of Sickies

Josiah started off last Saturday with a fever, which only got worse as the weekend went on.  He spent last Saturday night in our bed with fever and sniffled from 10:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.  My sympathy wasn't at it's highest as this is a bit of an annoyance for me (Get a TISSUE!!!), but I did keep my mouth shut and just handed him a tissue....over and over again....  He was awake again at 4:30 a.m. with a high fever which was the beginning of a very rough Sunday.  He threw up many times despite eating nothing all day long.  Sunday night into Monday he was up every single hour.  Monday morning we went to the doctor to see if it was viral or bacterial because Josiah wasn't eating anything, but was continuing to throw up, which had to be incredibly painful.  It was viral, so we were sent home with the advice to give him an antacid to help his stomach and that it should work itself out.  Monday was rough, but the antacid did seem to help and Josiah enjoyed the taste of Pedialyte again.  He still ate nothing but a couple of oyster crackers.  Josiah would pick up his shirt and touch his abs and say that he could tell that he was sick, because his stomach goes in, but when he's healthy, it goes out a little bit.  He showed us his washboard abs quite a bit.  He did want to bathe, but the poor boy was too weak to pick himself up into the tub.
He fell asleep waiting for the doctor.
Tuesday, he was still tired and weak, but he was finally eating again.  Just a bagel and more oyster crackers, but by the evening he was craving all sorts of restaurant foods, so he seemed to be back.  Unfortunately, as he was getting better, Henry developed a fever Tuesday evening.

While we were worried Henry would get the virus, he was fine the next morning, (though he does have a head cold).  Josiah, unfortunately, spiked a fever every afternoon for rest of the week.  There was a lot of lying on the couch and enjoying Netflix.  I told him we'd just tack on the work he missed in school this week to the end of the school year.  Apparently, those were not the "feel better" words he was looking to hear.

It was sad because we had lots of fun activities scheduled for this week - making gingerbread houses with friends, an afternoon at a friend's house, a field trip with our CC group, karate, and Awana.  It's just how it works out sometimes.

Todd fixed our refrigerator this week.  Our refrigerator gaskets have been torn for some time, so you'd have to close the refrigerator a particular way so the doors would seal.  We'd gotten used to closing it this way, so now that he's fixed it we're just amazed every time we close the refrigerator doors.  It's so easy!  You just close them and they stay sealed.  It's the little things sometimes.

Caroline lost another tooth, and as happened last time, the tooth just fell on the floor in front of her and she bent down to see what it was.  She wouldn't even pick it up - she called me over to get it for her.  I do not understand her lack of excitement over losing teeth, but it's definitely a thing for her.  She waits until the tooth literally falls out.  This particular tooth has barely been hanging on for weeks now.  It was practically sideways in her mouth for the past two weeks, but still she left it.  You could have just plucked it right out without any issue.  While she doesn't care so much about the actual tooth, she was happy our tooth owl had money for her.
Since Caroline has been the only healthy child, she was able  to go to karate.  It was just her and another girl in class, so they got lots of attention.  She earned her new white-black belt.  I think she has hit the end of the road of belts for now.  Once she turns 5, she can start testing for them.
We had some Christmas music on while making dinner one night, and Caroline was rocking out to that.

That was our week.  A lot of sickies and a little bit of fun for Caroline.  Today, Josiah has finally gone a full 24 hours without a fever over 100, so we're hoping the trend continues and that he has a nice and highly productive half week of school before the holidays.  We may need some prayers to help with that, though.  I don't think he's too excited to get back into it. 

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