Sunday, January 7, 2018

Caroline Loves Her Netflix...

The kids have been drawing up a storm this week.  After their school work is done, they always want to do their Art Hub videos.  The man who instructs the kids is really, really good.  The pictures always turn out so well.  For this week, Josiah drew the pictures and Henry colored them.
Caroline got in on the action, too, but she wasn't as happy with her result of Elsa.  I thought she did a great job, but she wouldn't hold it up for a photo.
Mid-week, Todd's alarm went off at 5:30 a.m. and we both noted that we heard the T.V. on downstairs.  The kids know they're not to turn the T.V. on when it's a school day, and the fact that it was 5:30 in the morning!   So, between the two of us, Todd seemed the likely person to go and inspect who the culprit was.  He went downstairs and discovered Miss Caroline watching Netflix.  Netflix.  At 5 a.m.  She fought a little when he sent her back up to bed.

She may have been up that early because she went to bed early the night before.  The previous day  she started her new Phonics curriculum which (eventually) teaches her to read.  She was so excited to start it.  Although, Josiah may have been even more excited than Caroline.  Everything I read to her, Josiah jumped up and down and clapped his hands.  Josiah has always loved this curriculum.
Caroline has actually gotten herself banned from Netflix for a week.  Whenever it is "iPad time" she always asks to watch Netflix.  She goes up to her room to watch it, because, as she says, "the boys show is too loud."  So, she'll go up to her room and, as is often the case, I'll lose track of time.  When I notice that she has been awfully quiet for some time, I'll go up to her room to tell her that her time is up, but she's noticeably absent from her room area.  We have learned to then check her closet.  She has been sitting in her closet, in the dark, with the door shut, watching movies on Netflix that she knows she's not supposed to watch.  We've caught her 3x this week.  She's 4!  We have the strictest controls for her, too, but she manages to find all sorts of things.

Henry cried on New Year's Eve that he wanted more attention - he wanted to do more things one-on-one.  Every time he brings this up, I always ask him what he wants to do together.  And every time he answers, "Go to Sonic with me."  Can I just say that I do not like Sonic?  I have never liked how you have to order (screen with a car hop).  I would much rather walk up to a counter and order food that way.  So, New Year's Day he and I went to Target, not Sonic, just us, so that he could finally use his money that Grandad and Nana gave him when they were here.  He got a Nexo Knight Lego kit.  He was a happy camper.  And I didn't have to do Sonic.
He and I ran errand this afternoon, too, and stopped off at Dairy Queen to fulfill his milkshake-alone-with-mommy quota.  And, Henry being Henry, saved about 1/3 of it for Josiah.
The errand Henry and I ran was to a fabric store to get some vinyl to cover our brand new breakfast area table.  Yeah!  It's been an empty room for quite some time.  We built the table the first night with Caroline's help.  She put all of the washers on the bolts.
Today we put all the chairs together and Josiah got a lesson in using the lovely Allen wrench.  It turned out really well.  The kids love having it there and Josiah says he's going to draw on it first thing tomorrow morning.
This is going to be quite a week we have coming up.  Josiah has kept us informed, since Christmas, how many more days it is until his birthday.  Now his birthday week is upon us.  He is the ultimate celebrator.  And I cannot believe he's going to be 9!

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