Sunday, February 11, 2018

Down For the Count

Monday morning, Caroline and I went on a quest to get Todd his medicine.  The ER had sent his prescriptions electronically to one store, but when we got there, their computers were down.  Not knowing how long it would take to get them back up again, and given that Todd needed this medicine to help him breathe, we went back to the ER to get paper prescriptions.  They kindly gave them to us and we headed off to a different pharmacy.  We got them filled and came home.  While we were at the second pharmacy, Todd got a voicemail from that pharmacy stating his prescriptions were ready to be picked up.  He called the pharmacy back and said he didn't have any prescriptions there.  The pharmacist told him, "Well, I think your wife and daughter just left with them."  Of course, one of the prescriptions was cough syrup with codeine in it, so they probably went back and red flagged our account.  I hadn't bothered to text Todd about the situation because he was sleeping upstairs when we left the house and his phone was downstairs.  The medicine has helped mightily and he's a lot better today than a week ago.   

The kids have really enjoyed watching Ellen's Game of Games.  It comes on at 7:00 p.m. here, and it's basically just a crazy game show with giant props and they find it all hilarious.  The problem is they never go to bed after it.  On a normal night, they're all asleep by 8:00 p.m. But after Ellen, they're up til 9:00 hyped up on the energy of the show I guess.  So, because of that I've told them they better sleep in if they want to stay up to watch it.  But, of course, sleeping in is an impossibility for one child of ours.  Wednesday morning came and both boys were standing at their bedroom door at 6:00 a.m.  Josiah can handle it.  Henry needs more sleep.  I asked Josiah if he had woken up Henry.  He denied it.  I asked Henry, "Did Josiah wake you up?"  "Yeah.  He opened my eyes."  Josiah wanted to check to see if Henry's eyes were open by physically opening his eyes.  I sent them back to bed until 7.  Caroline was no better.  She got up at 3:45 a.m. to start her day.  At least she took a 2.5 hour nap the next day.  (And she hasn't napped in forever.)  Thank goodness this past week was the season finale.

The kids all had dentist appointments this week.  They are all clearly very, very comfortable at the dentist's office.  Henry and I stayed with Caroline at her hygienist's chair.  Meanwhile Josiah went a few chairs down and was chatting the entire visit with his hygienist.  She came down later and said what a great conversation she had with him and that he was using such large words.  For missing vocab words on his grammar tests, he can sure use them well in spoken conversation.  It's amazing sometimes how mature he can be and yet at other times not-so-much.  Caroline chatted up her hygienist as well.  While Henry was being worked on, she asked every question she could think of, "What's this?  What does this do?  What are you doing?"
"Mom, look at my beard."
None of the kids had cavities, which felt like I had passed some sort of parenting test.  I always tend to hold my breath while we're there until I get the teeth report.  The end of the visit is the favorite part for the kids - there's a big basket from which they get to choose a trinket.
The dentist told Josiah that he had quite a few loose teeth in his mouth.  Apparently he was unaware of this, but ever since we left the office that day, he's been wiggling his teeth like mad.  "Mom look!"  Always at the dinner table, too.  I'm not squeamish, but I also don't want to see a horizontal tooth hanging on by a thread while I'm eating dinner.  That just makes him want to show me all the more.

Caroline had to stay home from Awana due to some belly problems.  She was devastated because she had made Valentine's to exchange.  I brought them in for her anyway and told her leader, that she still wanted them to be passed around.  They made her a basket of Valentine's which was super sweet.  She was really happy to get them.
She has actually had a really rough weekend, throwing up quite a bit.  She's been my TV partner from midnight to 3 a.m..  Basically, I'm laying in bed closer and closer to sleep when she'll laugh at the TV and tell me about how Grand-Pere snuck up on Daniel Tiger.  This coming week we're supposed to go on a fire station field trip with some friends.  It's looking doubtful at this point that we'll make it.  However, Caroline is determined to get us there.  She literally throws up, wipes her mouth, and says, "I feel better now.  I can go."  Yeah, we're going to have to wait 48 hours after that.
The kids were super excited to open a package from Todd's cousins.  She always sends them Valentine's gifts and they were giddy to get it.  They've been doing all the mazes and word searches and coloring everything all afternoon.  It's actually been quite helpful to have the boys do that while I hang out with the princess, her Netflix, and her throw-up bucket.
Waiting for his Whack-a-Packs to burst into balloons - super cool invention.
I think instead of praying for better health this coming week, I'm going to pray for warmer weather so we can open these windows and air this house out.  We need to get these germs out of here.

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