Sunday, October 21, 2018

Label Making Mania

For our devotional on Monday morning, it spoke about imitating and how we should be imitating God in the sense that we should be doing the right thing.  When faced with following people doing the wrong thing, we should always follow God's way.  Talking about imitating reminded Josiah of charades and he immediately jumped into game-mode.  He drew on a piece of paper just like Caroline does and Henry quickly guessed, Caroline.  Then Caroline ran out of the room and came in wearing my house shoes while carrying a big laundry basket.  I guessed myself, giving me the opportunity to play.  I got Henry's baseball glove and ran in the room as fast as I could throwing a ball in the air.  We all captured each other's likeness.

Caroline also learned the "-AP" family this week.  We went through cap, lap, map, nap, sap, tap, etc.  When we got to rap, Caroline thought it meant wrap, so I gave her my best rendition of the opening to The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.  She thought it was great.  I know my audience.

We had a field trip to the local HEB grocery store with our CC group this week as well.  Our tour guide through the store was Miss Jumie.  Caroline became fast friends with Miss Jumie because Caroline likes to be at the head of the line for everything.  By the end Caroline was holding her hand, walking backwards, and trying to lead the group with her.  When I tried to intervene, Miss Jumie said it was good she had leadership skills, which was very kind.
As part of the tour, we went through the perimeter of the store.  In the seafood section, the man, took a lobster out of the water and let all the kids touch it.  He even had a Boston accent, "Hey, ya wanna touch the lobstuh?"  The best part was when he put the lobster back IN the tank with all the other lobsters.  Some poor fellow is going to purchase a lobster that's been touched by 20 school children.  Mmmmm.
In keeping with our birthday party month, we went to two parties this week.  All three kids got to go to one boy's party at Altitude - the trampoline park we've visited.  It started off fun, but Henry twisted his ankle and sat out for a while.  Then he wanted to go play some more and he came back in tears.  He had gone to the dodgeball court and had been smacked in the face/eye multiple times.  He said he never wanted to go back to Altitude again.  He did enjoy the chocolate cake, chips, and juice.  Josiah and Caroline had a fine time.

This weekend, Caroline had a birthday party for one of her friends.  She was so happy to finally have a birthday party to go to without the boys.  It was a very chill party with mostly the kids playing, which was great.  At cake time, Caroline could choose between the chocolate cake or a vanilla cupcake.  She chose the cupcake.  But then they gave everyone a piece of chocolate cake anyway.  Caroline partook of the icing and gave me the bald cake.  While I went to get myself a fork, Caroline got herself another cupcake.  Later she had a cookie.  She didn't understand why I told her she could only eat healthy food when we got home.
This weekend our neighborhood had a yard sale.  I was determined to get a few things out to try to sell.  As we were setting things up at 6:40 a.m., while it was still very dark out, a lady pulled up.  She bought our little clown bike and all of Caroline's old clothes.  It was awesome.  Eventually I sold everything I was hoping to sell, profited $39, and closed up shop at 9:30 a.m.  We had two trash bags of things to take to Goodwill, plus an old bike.  It was the best yard sale experience ever.
Josiah was itching to check out our neighbor's sales.  He was constantly nagging to go check them out.  We let him walk to two neighbor's houses and he was there forever.  We could see him looking at everything.  He had $3 burning a hole in his pocket.  After much begging, we (actually just me, Todd doesn't want to say he was a part of it), I let Josiah spend $0.50 on a label maker.  It came with three extra cartridges.  After changing the corroded batteries, it worked just fine.  Josiah has already gone through TWO of the cartridges.  He has no idea what a label maker is, he plays like it's a typewriter/printer.  One of the best "labels" he made, though, was this one:  postcard from the breafkest room
He spelled breakfast the way he says it.  He's always said it funny, and seeing it printed out cracked me up.  I could totally hear him saying it.  Meanwhile, we have a ton of labels everywhere, but not a single true label labeling anything. 

We've had some nice chilly (60's) weather here lately.  It's been absolutely wonderful.  This coming week holds the last October birthday party and then, hopefully, we'll have a reprieve.

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