Sunday, December 23, 2018

Spray Painting for the First and Last Time

Josiah & Henry participated in a beyblade battle a week ago.  They both wanted to go to the battle, although neither has any beyblades of their own.  This is basically what a lot of the boys do during recess at CC.  The "beys" are spinny top things that battle by trying to knock the other top out of the plastic arena.  Apparently there is skill involved as you can make your top spin left or right.  Henry played the first round, which took just a few minutes.  He came to me after and said, "I lost all my battles.  We can go now."  Josiah lost all of his, too.  After that they played with the dog and other toys.  When we got in the car to go, Josiah was actually really upset that he didn't do well.  It was pretty sad to hear him sad-upset.  I had no idea he cared so much.
This week started off on a high.  Todd's cousin, Cheryl & Phillip sent the kids a Christmas package and they had a ball opening it.  The picture really doesn't do it justice, because though you see the backs of their heads, you can't hear the squeals and Oooo's! and Eeek's!  (Plus I don't know why we open packages near our shoe rack.  Never a good background!)  They love their Aunt Cheryl.
Todd had a nice week of work.  Two days in the office before a two week vacation.  It's been good to have a second teacher around to get the kids' school work done earlier.  It's given us more time to color and play with playdoh.  Caroline drew an awesome picture of our family.
We have lots of projects for the winter break.  One such project was to finally get the boys bookshelves put together and in their room.  (So we can finally hang their pictures back on the wall and do all that decorating that we're not so good at.)  Today we let the boys spray paint the back part of their bookshelves.  We had to prime it first.

We thought spray paint would be an easy way for the kids to help paint, plus we wouldn't have to buy so much paint.  It didn't exactly work as I pictured in my head.  It was nearly impossible to get the color even, so hopefully the kids are happy with the job they helped with more than the state of the finished project.  We still have to put the bookshelves together, too.  That'll be our Christmas Eve project.  I would say it could be for all their new toys and gifts for Christmas, but we've already told the kids they're only getting one gift each.  We usually do three and in a sense they've had three.  They got the trip to Disney, an airplane ride to Illinois, and a gift under the tree.  (Which probably makes the most expensive Christmas gifts ever!)  They are getting a photo album filled with pictures of the Disney trip, but that'll be in their stockings.

At church today they had a Living Nativity.  I help out in a pre-K class, so the kids are 4-5 years old.  We walked to the nativity and there was a real woman dressed as Mary and she was holding a real baby.  (Joseph was missing - she said he went to get her some food.)  The kids were allowed to ask her anything about Jesus' birth.  Question after question went like this: "How did Jesus get out of you?  How are babies born?  How did he get out of your belly?"  The Mary answered, "He got out the same way you and I did."  and "He was in my belly and then was born."  After a while she changed it up to, "You'll have to ask your mom that question."  I think I know why Joseph left to get food.

Henry tried some new sushi from the grocery store.  I don't know how they get the names for their sushi.  This one was called Shaggy Dog.
And a final joke from Henry:
Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?

Because the P is silent

Ba dum bum.

Merry Christmas Eve Eve

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