Sunday, April 28, 2019

You Want to Know WHAT About Babies?

This week was the Skeeter's Home Opener.  We got there early to get our 2018 Championship ring.  All three menfolk picked up their rings, but neither Caroline nor I got ours.  We knew we'd never do anything with them.  Meanwhile, Josiah's been wearing his for several days straight.  We actually got there so early that the kids had a ton of time on the playground.  As we were walking back to our seats for the National Anthem and first pitch, we were approached by the Swat Team (Swatson the Mascot).  They needed three kids to play a game on the field after the 6th inning.  Would our kids do it?  Caroline gave an immediate, No.  Henry said, Yes, and Josiah hemmed and hawed and finally said, No.  The game ended up being Tic Tac Toe.  Henry and his partner were the O's.  They had to spin around a baseball bat three times then run to the board and put an O down, while the X's team was doing the same thing.  It was a race to get three in a row.  Unfortunately, it was 9:00 p.m. at this point and the X team was two little brothers around 3 and 4 years old.  The four year old went on the field, looked at the bat he was supposed to spin around, and walked off the field.  His brother showed about the same amount of interest in the game.  They quickly brought another little girl on the field to run for the X's.  She managed to block the O's and since they only had three O's total it was a scratch game.  We had a good time at the game even though the Skeeter's lost pretty badly and we had to deal with tiny gnats the whole time.  They were pretty gross because they were everywhere!
We had our CC end-of-year picnic this past Friday.  Despite having the same bothersome gnats that we dealt with at the Skeeter's game, we all had a great time.  The kids were always running off  playing with their friends, so I took a total of three pictures the entire time, and two weren't even of the kids.  We were at Memorial Park and at one point the kids wanted me to walk out to the military memorial with them.  On one side of the path was water and the other side was a big hill that is typically filled with kite-fliers on the weekends.  Henry ran up the hill with the intention of rolling down it.  He ran up, rolled once, twice, and jumped up and yelled what sounded like "Birds! Birds!"  I thought maybe he spotted some big falcons flying above him.  However, Henry still has that little kid voice that doesn't always enunciate everything exactly right.  He wasn't yelling, Birds.  Instead, he came racing down the hill covered in burrs.  He was fine and they came off easily, but he left the hill alone after that.
The other pictures were of the alligator all the kids spotted in the water.  Earlier they had spotted a snake in the water.  Did any of them take the advice of the Snake Man from our field trip months ago?  No.  Don't provoke the snake!  Walk away!  The alligator, however, swam from one end of the water towards the picnic area.  There is nothing keeping him in the water  - he could totally walk up on land at any point.  He swam close enough to the picnic area that we got everyone away from the water.  He finally lost interest and swam away without ever reaching shore, but we did keep checking the water for any activity after that.
At the picnic, the kids also got their yearbooks and had everyone sign it.  They have poured over the photos a lot since then.  Later, when Todd took a look at it, Caroline sat and showed him who was friends with whom on each page. He was intrigued, and thoroughly informed.

The kids also had their end of the year Awana Awards Ceremony.  Caroline was so excited to get her first book award ribbon.  The boys also got awards.  We had one cranky kid that night, so that child was escorted to the car as soon as the ceremony was over and therefore no pictures were taken with awards. The other two partook of the refreshments and playground fun after.

School has taken a shorter amount of time now that CC is over.  If we stay focused, and start early enough, we can be done by lunch or at least shortly after.  Since they've had more time in the afternoons, they've played outside more, they've made popsicle stick boats and sailed them in the bathtub, and they've asked to make slime from a recipe in one of their books.  Josiah tries to claim these are educational books because the main character is an amoeba.  That's about where the educational aspect ends.  It's basically just another funny (to him) graphic novel.  However, at the end of one they said you could make slime using just cornstarch and water with food coloring in it.  No measurements were given, so we did cornstarch, added water, more water, too much water, more cornstarch, back and forth til we ran out of cornstarch.  They had fun.  I remained calm.  We did throw it away when we were done.   
Caroline likes to talk at bedtime.  Usually it's silly stuff and it seems like she's just delaying bedtime.  However, we've always been told by older and wiser adults that kids often open up at bedtime so try to be patient and let them talk.  One particular night she was asking her usual, "What day is tomorrow?  What do we do tomorrow?"  But then she followed it up with, "How do babies get out of you?"  As I am about to answer her, she asks with an even greater curiosity, "How do babies get in you?"  Let's start with the first question.  I said they grow in the belly and then told her where they came out.  She giggled and then asked, "But how do they get out if they're so big?"  I mentioned stretching which caused uncontrollable giggling, which was just fine with me because she forgot all about her second question.  When her giggles finally subsided, she asked if bees poop.  Then she asked about the bathroom habits of birds, butterflies, dogs, and on and on. Lots of bathroom talk.  It was a relief to walk out of her room that night.

We have a fairly easy week coming up.  Their WAM concert is next Sunday, so they have two rehearsals in the meantime.  However, those are usually fun because they finally get to see the drama portion that goes along with the songs they've been practicing all semester. Five more weeks of school!

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