Sunday, May 19, 2019

Kindergarten Graduate

Josiah is still into the Beatles.  He checked out two CDs from the library and has been listening to them A LOT.  He doesn't quite know all the words to the songs yet, so he just repeats what he knows.  We've heard, "She loves me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." about a thousand times and, "Help!  I need somebody.  Help.  I need somebody." another thousand more times (It's Not just anybody.  Ack!).  And nothing blesses you more than hearing your ten year old sing, "I get high with a little help from my friends." He's put on many a concert with his lightsaber-guitar-microphone.  He can't seem to understand that, while we enjoy his concerts, 3-4 concerts a day is a bit much for even the biggest Beatles lover.  Many of his concerts include Caroline sometimes on her microphone, but most of the time dancing up a storm. 

The boys wanted to earn some money this week, so they swept our back patio area.  It was a mess at the start - tons of leaves and dirt everywhere.  They did a great job and not only swept it, but cleaned and organized it, too.  The toys and furniture were put back neatly.  I was impressed.
They also worked on some future career opportunities.  I got a wrench out to tighten Caroline's handlebars.  That prompted Josiah to be in a pit crew for Henry's bike racing.  There were lots of super fast wrench, crowbar, and screwdriver movements and Henry was off again.  At one point they switched places and Henry became pit master.  Caroline was the flag girl and would wave the biker back into the race once all adjustments and repairs were made.
Caroline has already started doing tricks on her bike.  She figured out how to stand up on her pedals lifting her bum off the seat.  She did that for a few days before figuring out how to pedal while standing up as well.  Since she's keen on riding her bike every day, I had a startling discovery when I sorted laundry this weekend.  There were no dresses!  I always have a pile of her dresses and there were none.  She's switched to shorts and capris which are compatible with her riding.   She had been a dress girl through and through, but now she saves them for Sunday.

Caroline had a special graduation ceremony at church this week.  Each year they put on a kindergarten graduation where they take the kids for a few hours of fun before the actual ceremony part.  Caroline painted and made crafts, ate pizza, she got to visit the big kid game room and she played ga-ga ball on the big kid playground (it's sort of dodgeball but for the knees down).  She had an incredibly fun time and was all smiles when we saw her at the ceremony.  She got to walk across the stage, get her certificate,and have a celebratory cupcake before the night was out.  The boys had fun at the playground while waiting for her fun time to finish.

She had a good week.  She even got a new hat for the summer.
This coming week we are doing a three-day Practicum for our CC group.  While I'm listening to speakers/teachers all day long, the kids are in Geo-Draw and Math Mania camps.  Henry was really happy that he wouldn't have to do school for three days.  So, yes, no school because he'll be learning how to draw the countries of the world in camp.  No learning happening there.  The countdown til the end is on.

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