Sunday, July 28, 2019

Looking For Someone Better

It was VBS this week.  As we drove to the church the first morning, Henry said it was good that he had learned more Spanish words.  (He's been doing a Spanish app.)  He must have thought that his buddy Roberto from last year would be in his class again.  He wasn't.  When I picked the kids up that first day, Josiah said he loved his class, but Henry and Caroline didn't like it at all.  Since I was keen on having four mornings to myself, we pushed forward.  They liked it better the remaining days, but didn't totally love it.  One afternoon, Caroline was voice texting Todd about it.  She said, "And, Daddy, I don't really like VBS that much."  What my phone typed was:
It was a pirate theme, hence the skull and crossbones and black flags.
Good to know.  While they were gone, I got myself a haircut, dropped off a load of things-no-one-will-miss at Goodwill, and got some cleaning done while watching Friends.  It was wonderful.                                                         
By the last day of VBS, Henry was enjoying it.  When I picked him up, he was sitting with two other boys and laughing.  He kept telling me about one of the boys throughout the week.  He only had four fingers on one hand.  He was born with five, but was now missing his pointer finger.  Henry never did find out how he lost it, but he was fascinated nonetheless.  Josiah wanted to know how he could watch the Big Show each day next year.  VBS ends at Entering-5th Grade, so this was his last year.  Maybe there's a way I can get him to volunteer if they'll let him...  That last day the kids wanted to go to McDonald's for lunch, because Tradition! They seem to make every McDonald's trip a Tradition! to ensure it's continuance.  We went and it happened to be free sundae day.  They were happy campers. Thank you McDonald's for solidifying this tradition for eternity.

While Caroline had said she didn't like VBS that much, she got right up and started dancing and doing hand motions to all the songs during the final Big Show.  She did love the songs and the show.

We finished painting Henry's room this week. He has gone through all sorts of emotions with this process.  Thursday night he worked on his bravery. He said that he was going to bed (in the old room) without Todd and I coming in to say goodnight.  He wanted to practice sleeping without us. He is the kid who enjoys company, so this was a pretty big deal.  The following night he was really angry-upset for no apparent reason.  We talked and he said he was upset because he has always slept with Josiah.
Will you miss having Josiah in the room?  
No....  I'm going to miss the room.  
Oh.  It's okay to miss the room.  
Saturday we moved all the furniture over and Henry has a room.  Todd and I disagreed on where to place the furniture, so Henry decided how he wanted it arranged.  His dresser arrives on Wednesday, which will make the separation complete.  I'll be so happy to separate their clothing.  It's gotten to the point that they have too many clothes and it'll be nice to give each boy half.
Josiah has been pretty sad that Henry was moving out.  After moving Henry's furniture out, we rearranged Josiah's remaining furniture and gave him an artist's nook.  He'll need a desk upgrade in the future, but it works for now.  Now all three kids have nice new rooms, but our bedroom is a mess because it currently holds all the stuff I had stored in the old guest room.  One project done.  A hundred more to go.                                                                             
Caroline likes to talk to me at bedtime.  We lay on her bed and she shares about her day and asks all sorts of questions.  One night she was asking about stepmothers.  She asked if she had one.  I explained that for her to get one, Todd and I would have to get a divorce (or me die), he would have to remarry and that new lady would be her stepmother.  She then asked why Todd liked me.  I don't know.  And she followed it up with, "I think there's a lady out there that Daddy likes more than you."  So Todd's keeping his eyes open for that someone better.

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