Sunday, October 27, 2019

Wet Toothbrush

This has been a week of baseball if there ever was one.  Henry had a game the same night as Game 1 of the World Series.  Henry's game started at 6:00 p.m.  The World Series started at 7:07 p.m.  All the parents cheered Henry's team on until right around 7:07 at which time all their phones came out and they were streaming the World Series.  The umpires called Henry's game at 6:30 I think mostly because they wanted to go home and watch the Astros.  We could have easily fit in another inning and stayed under the two-hour game limit.  Sadly the Astros lost that night (as did Henry's team).

The next day was Game 2.  The only good thing about this game was that Uncle Taylor was in town and he came to watch it with us.  We tried to have a full Tex-Mex dinner of tacos, salsa, guacamole, and chips.  The kids made brownies with a big orange and blue star on it for the Astros.  Unfortunately, Taylor was the only one to go to bed happy that night.  Our Astros lost two games in a row.
The next day Henry had a baseball practice at the field in our neighborhood.  These are the best practices because we can walk to the field.  The only problem with the field is that it is first-come-first-serve.  So, when his practice was set to begin, there were already three teenage boys playing a game of their own.  Our boys warmed up in the outfield (hoping they'd take the hint that we wanted the field).  The teenagers kept playing.  After a while, our coach asked if we could join their game.  They graciously obliged and played with our guys.  Henry's team was so completely impressed with their skills.  They were hitting balls way in the outfield and making plays at first like it was nobody's business.  At one point, one of Henry's teammates asked one of the older boys if he could play on their team.  He said, "No.  I'm in 9th grade."  He tried.  These big kids were kind, very encouraging, and really cheered the younger boys on.  It was a really nice experience. 

By the end of the week, it had gotten cool and rainy.  We had Friday off from school and after the rain subsided, all three kids went to the backyard to play baseball.  Todd had bought weighted balls, so you could hit them and they wouldn't travel far.  They were outside for 2.5 hours straight.  The boys said they played a full 9 innings and Henry won 8-4.  They had created a full mini-field with bricks/stones/sticks and such as the bases.
This weekend was homecoming at Todd's university.  His co-workers had given him four tickets to the football game.  He took all three kids with him.  I WAS HOME ALONE!!!!   I cleaned bathrooms with my music turned up.  I went to go vote.  I ran errands without any helpers.  Never underestimate the power of a little alone time.  Awesomeness.
I guess they had a good time.  They were gone for 4.5 hours.  I hope it was amazing so it will be an annual thing.
Dawgs Up.
The night was made even better by the Astros tying up the World Series 2-2.

And a non-sport story:
One of our children has been having a hard time telling the truth as to whether or not they have brushed their teeth.  We've had several incidents of lying about having done said act.  They were not even wise enough to wet their toothbrush; it was bone dry when I checked.  I mistakenly brought that to their attention that they couldn't have brushed with such a dry toothbrush.  So today, we had this conversation:
Me - Did you brush your teeth?
Child - My toothbrush is wet.
Me - I didn't ask if your toothbrush was wet.  Did you brush your teeth?
Child - .....
(Child grumbles and walks upstairs to the bathroom.)

Also, we did get school done in between all the baseball.  Here's Josiah diagramming a sentence.  I find it so amazing that he does this with ease.  This was so, so difficult for me as a child.  He's got this English grammar thing.

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