Sunday, February 16, 2020

Dad Jokes

Josiah had his well-child visit to the doctor this week.  It was confirmed what we already knew.  He's a quite healthy, very thin, 11-year old.  We were really excited about his height which jumped up to the 26th percentile.  For all his eleven years, he has hung out in the "less than 5th percent" for height and weight, so any time he can get over that 5th percentile hump it's exciting.  Sadly for him, age 11 is the next round of shots.  He got three at this visit.  While we were waiting for the nurse to come back in to administer them, we were trying to keep Josiah distracted and thinking happy thoughts.  At least I was.  Caroline started talking to him in a very calm voice, "Josiah, think about Disney World and having fun and think about the Muppets.....AND GETTING A FLU SHOT."  Then she'd burst out laughing.  Henry didn't even attempt to calm Josiah.  He laughingly said, "She's going to give you a shot in your neck, in your bum, and in your [Parent Edit: groinal area].  I told Henry and Caroline that I was going to bring Josiah to their 11-year visits so he could get them back.  Josiah made it through the shots, but he had a very sore leg for several days.
Caroline put his shoes on for him when it was time to go because his legs were already hurting.
At CC this week, they kids celebrated Valentine's Day and were able to exchange valentines in their classes.  It was a very fun, but busy day for them.  In art we did Monet paintings.  We dabbed lots of colors to make our water and waterlilies.  I love the art projects.  I love that I don't have to buy all the supplies or come up with the ideas.  :)  And I love how well they all turn out.
For Valentine's Day, we got the kids small heart boxes of chocolates and cards.  Caroline informed me that she was happy to have it, but that she actually wanted three things.  The candy box we got her, a giant Reese's peanut butter cup, and a giant mug filled with chocolates and a stuffed animal that we saw at the grocery store.  Fortunately, Todd's boss rescued us on one count.  She gave each of the kids a stuffed animal with a heart attached, so in the end they got their candy and their plush.  Considering Josiah has at least 40 stuffed animals currently on his bed we're thrilled he can add to the mix.

On Saturday the boys headed to the Second Annual Brazcon Comi-con.  They went to a riveting talk about the evolution of Spiderman.  The man giving the presentation was the Young Adult librarian from a local library.  He asked the audience a bunch of questions and both Todd and Josiah answered a question earning them cool (homemade) buttons.  Then Henry won the door prize at the end and got some comic books that are probably too mature and inappropriate for him to read.  After learning all there was to know about Spiderman, they spent some time in the Lego area.  Josiah ended up buying five different Lego figures throughout the course of the day.  The price range over all was quite broad, but they had many for $3 and $5.  Henry only wanted a $25 Lego figure, which we did not feel was a very good use of his money, so he pouted for a bit and chose not to buy anything.  He sure punished us!  They made Chewbacca pencil holders and ate from food trucks.  Todd said this year there were many more people dressed up for Cos-play competitions.  Our boys were really weirded out by it (which is always nice when I can see my genes bubbling to the surface).  But in the end they said they liked the convention and wanted to go back next year.  Todd keeps inviting Caroline and I to go, but I can guarantee she and I are fully booked for whatever weekend it falls on next year.
The Alamo out of Legos
Some sort of Star Wars gun
While the menfolk were living it up at Comi-Con, Caroline and I went to a birthday party for one of her CC friends.  This is the family that lives way out in the country.  After the party was over, Caroline said that she wanted to live in the country.  Then she amended it to say she wanted to live in their house in the country because she loves their house.  The father has created very fun things in each of the bedrooms.  One has a rock wall, another has a intricate bunk bed system (hard to explain, but very cool), and the girl's bedroom has a tunnel.  That's what you get when the dad is an engineer.
Caroline found a kindred spirit with the birthday girl.  They both love arts and crafts.  The project for her birthday was a fairy/unicorn stencil on a canvas that they got to paint.  Caroline had a great time at the party and ate her weight in "unicorn poop" which was pastel Sixlets (like M&Ms).
I love how she never leaves enough room for her whole name.  It always finishes on the next line.  :)
Caroline has been getting wise to Todd's dad humor.  He's been getting a lot more eye rolls than laughs lately.  On the way to church this morning it was incredibly foggy out.  As we were driving, Caroline was noting aloud just how foggy it was.  Todd, in all his dad humor, said, "Aren't you glad it's not FROGGY out? ha. ha. ha."  Caroline, totally deadpan, replied, "Is that funny to Daddy?"  Yes. To Daddy.

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