Sunday, January 10, 2021

Breathing Hard

We started the respiratory system in science.  The first day we measured how many times we breathe in a day by counting the breaths we took in one minute (x1440).  Josiah had sixteen breaths, Caroline eighteen, I had fifteen, and Henry had thirty-five.  Since we all did it at the same time, I asked him if he counted breathing in and breathing out as 1, 2.  He said he didn't, but offered up that he likes to run around a lot and that makes him breathe more.  (The average for kids is 18.)  Okay.  Let's keep an eye on that.

Henry asked to read the blog, so we let him start back at the beginning in 2014.  After he read the first post about driving cross-country from Virginia to Texas, he got upset because dogs scared him back then.  He was worried that he had hurt the dogs' feelings by being scared.  He was genuinely, teary-eyed upset.  We reassured him he had not scarred any dogs emotionally and that it was normal to be scared of dogs at age 3.  Since then I've been trying to read ahead of him to make sure everything is sound.  It has brought back some really great memories.  Kids are incredibly funny at ages 5, 3, & 1.  

The kids each hung up their 2021 calendars in their rooms.  Before that they got together and wrote in everyone's birthday and all the holidays.  They even discovered when the official Children's Day was and marked that down.  I told them that every day was children's day. Then a day or two later, Caroline got mad at Josiah.  Really mad, apparently.  When I went to say good night to her that evening, she had changed all of January to "Just a Day."  Josiah's birthday had disappeared from the month.  She also added in Snapes' Birthday.  He is the Harry Potter character that Josiah does not like.  Double burn.

Josiah is really getting excited for his birthday tomorrow.  Today we baked his cake together.  He wanted a cake that was in the shape of an Andes mint.  He loves, loves the flavor of chocolate mint.  So we made a chocolate cake in two loaf pans, put mint chocolate chip ice cream in the middle and Voila, an exceptionally tall Andes mint.  He is planning on piping 'Andes' on the top before we light the candles tomorrow.  

Since this counts as his birthday weekend, Todd took Josiah out to a comic book store Saturday morning.  A place they both enjoy.  Todd let him browse to his heart's delight.  Josiah came home with an Archie comic from 1972, two books, and two Lego figures - Ringo Starr and Ghost Rider.  He was glad to get Ringo, because it was the last one.  He hopes to go back some day and get Paul McCartney (they were sold out).  

Our CC group does not start back up until next week, so we had a full week at home.  For spelling, I make the boys write their words three times a day and they are supposed to write a sentence at the bottom of their page using their spelling words.  Henry went for short and to the point with his sentences.  (I'm bored. & Later.)

The kids also did their reading with Benson.  Benson now lies and naps in the sun during the afternoons.  The boys sat beside him to do their reading.  From our perspective today that sunshine looks really nice.  It is currently 36° outside and it has been raining all day.  We were so close to snow.  We did have freezing rain at points, but none of the white stuff.  This feels like the coldest winter we've had since moving to Texas.  It's been chilly for quite a few weeks.

Tomorrow is bound to start early.  I cannot believe we will have a twelve year old!

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