Sunday, February 7, 2021

Benson's Birthday Hat

 Monday evening the kids surprised us with another music concert.  They called downstairs and told us to wear masks when we came up and to space ourselves one seat apart.  When we entered the playroom, it was dark except for flashlights they had put under the couch cushions which were aimed at their stage.  They also had the pocket lights on from the entertainment center.  It was a true concert experience.  They had Todd do the introductions for the band members.  He started with Caroline, "Cat Girl" (Catman was the real musician).  Henry, "Star Child."  And Josiah, "The Demon."  (lovely...)  They were KISS.  Complete with markered on chest hair and face makeup.  They lip synced to I Want to Rock and Roll All Night and Party Every Day.  It was one of their funnier concerts and we had a good time watching it.  Cat Girl kept getting mad at The Demon because he continually stepped in front of her, not giving her enough of the spotlight.  The Demon told her she should have played air guitar if she wanted to be in front, but she's an air drummer through and through.  

Wednesday morning we were finishing up breakfast and getting ready to start our school day.  Henry and Caroline were talking at the table and then they asked if Todd had gone to work that day or to his other wife's house.  Hmmmm.  We texted him and asked.  He texted back a picture of himself at work, but since it didn't have a date stamp who knows if he just keeps it at the ready.  

In CC this week we learned about chemical reactions.  We saw how vinegar mixed with baking soda reacted to make three different things, one of which was carbon dioxide which blew up their balloons.  That's always a fun experiment.  The kids in Caroline's class were in awe watching their balloons inflate.  

Since we do not have CC next week, we exchanged Valentines this week.  Caroline had a big debate at the store about which ones to buy.  This is the first year she has had boys in her class so she did not feel like she could get the princess Valentines anymore.  She looked at every box the store had and settled on pizza Valentines.  It was a box of 32 and she only has 8 kids in her class, so she's got enough to last for several years.  Josiah wanted Harry Potter Valentines, but he didn't want to offend one boy in his class who didn't like Harry Potter, so he got Spongebob instead.  And Henry took the longest of all to look at the Valentines.  Nothing seemed just right, but he found some avocado Valentines on the bottom shelf and thought they were perfect.  They came with avocado pencils.  He did a lot of calculations in the store to ensure there were enough in the box that he got a pencil, too.  

Todd and Caroline spent Saturday morning together.  They went through a carwash  - colored lights inside the wash made the experience all the better.  They walked through Target and she found many doll outfits that she really, really wanted.  And they got ingredients for Benson's birthday cupcakes.  Today they made them.  They consisted of egg, pumpkin, peanut butter, oat flour, and honey.  

Since we wanted Benson to eat them fresh, we celebrated his birthday a day early.  First came the birthday hat.  He did try to get it off initially, but then he settled into it and didn't seem to mind the hat as long as it was right on top.  He was very serious about the whole thing.  We sang while he sniffed the plate.  Then, instead of eating off of the plate, he took them, one at a time, to eat on the carpet.  It was a mess, but he licked up every crumb.  Tomorrow he turns one.  

And the squirrel in the backyard is getting even more daring.  He is now in the yard, digging and eating.  Benson will go out, stand at alert, give the squirrel a stare down for what feels like minutes, and then with no warning take off after it.  The squirrel squeals really loudly all the while running up the wooden post and all around the top of the fence to safety.  This is several times a day now.  I am guessing at this point that it's a friendly game of 'try to catch me.'  

That was our week.  

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