Sunday, August 15, 2021

First Day in Challenge A

Josiah went to the orthodontist early in the week.  He picks his rubber band colors based upon the holidays that will occur during the 8 weeks his bands will be in.  The only holiday the next 8 weeks is Labor Day, which has no official colors.  So Josiah decided that he would do the Dude Perfect colors of lime green and black.  We have tickets to go see them this fall if covid allows it to happen (it's already been rescheduled twice).  Josiah is also coming up on a year in braces.  He is a firm believer that he will only have them for two years and not a single day over.  He is literally counting down.  

We tried to go to the pool mid-week.  We were in our suits, suntan lotion on, only to arrive and find out they were only open on weekends from now til the end of September.  The public schools started this week, so there go the pools.  In the two minutes it took to drive home, it started pouring rain.  The kids just stayed outside in their suits, had a water balloon fight, and then played with the hose when the rain subsided.  A little later that afternoon they were able to swim in our neighbor's pool, so it all worked out for them.  And we did make it back to the pool this weekend.  The kids continued their Ben 'Lympics with many competitions: best cannonball, tallest splash, widest splash, smallest splash, best jump and twist, swimming races, on and on.  I got to judge them all, which is not a fun job for me because someone was always mad that they came in last.  Henry won the competition for most-likely-to-dispute-the-judge's-decision.  He'll make a great lawyer some day.  

In anticipation of CC starting, we got the boys haircuts.  Their hair was getting in their eyes which was bothering even them.  I told Josiah's hairdresser that he likes it shaggy, so he just wanted a trim.  She said, Okay, and then took out her electric razor.  I think it looks really good, but he'd prefer a bit longer on the sides.  Henry went short again.  When we went to get the haircuts, we left Benson free in the house for the first time.  He was in his crate as we were leaving, but I told the kids to leave the door to it open.  Caroline was a little untrusting of Benson's freedom, so she closed his crate door, but did not latch it.  Benson did not know the difference and when we got back home, he was still in his crate.  So we tried again later that same day when we went to jiu-jitsu.  This time he was walking free when we left and when we got back he was very excited to see us.  We tried it a third time this week.  We left, waved to him as he watched us through our front window, and when we got home he had gone back in his crate to sleep.  At least he's not getting into trouble.  

Josiah started Challenge A this week.  7th grade!!  Eek!!  We dropped him off in the morning and picked him up 7 hours later.  He was exhausted.  He said he's never sat for such a long time.  It was a big change for him, but he did like it.  He enjoys his director and classmates.  This year, and for the next three years, he studies Latin.  Since we are not well versed in ancient languages, we quickly took the opportunity to have a tutor.  So the following day, he and five classmates were tutored by the older sister of a family in our CC group.  She is a college student, but graduated from CC several years ago.  She's incredibly personable and very fun, so Josiah had a good time at tutoring.  

While Josiah was doing his first day of Challenge A, Henry, Caroline, and I were on a bunch of Zoom meetings.  Both Henry and Caroline had Meet the Tutor meetings with their classes.  Henry's was first and I noticed he identified himself as "Henry who is wiser than JJ"  I looked at the screen to see if he was the only one who gave himself a 'funny' name.  If they were all normal, I was going to make him change it back.  I checked it out and JJ's name read, "JJ who is wiser than Henry" so I left it alone.  When it was time for Caroline's meeting, she asked, "How do you spell, great?" "Caroline the Great" has joined the meeting.

Josiah capped off his week of Challenge A with a pool party.  A family opened up their backyard to all the local Challenge kids (which is 7th-12th grades).  Our campus went out in full force.  Josiah was able to drive with a friend (yay me).  He said the house was a mansion and that he thought the pool would be as big as the lake in front of the house!  From the picture it looked big enough!  No one was allowed on the grass, though, because they had chiggers which would imbed themselves in your skin.  They said if you had any holes in your skin to cover them with clear nail polish to kill the chiggers!  Crazy.  

Todd went to a Filipino self-defense seminar this weekend.  The instructor was former military police.  As it started, the instructor sized up the audience and picked Todd as "closest to his size."  So Todd got to be the person who was hit and kicked and punched and slapped all morning long.  Todd said he didn't hold back and it all hurt.  At lunch, Todd said he signed up to be an observer, so he got the afternoon off.       

Caroline had her last day at Kid's Church today.  We took a photo to commemorate the event.  She's wearing her "Sunday outfit."  She wears this dress just about every Sunday.    

Caroline made this rock at VBS several weeks ago.  It had been in the car all this time.  They were given rocks and I guess they were able to draw whatever they wanted on them.  She colored hers as a pancake with a pat of butter on top.  I love it.  

School for all three begins tomorrow.  Prayers appreciated.  I told them it was a fussy-free year.  No fussing, no throwing fits, good attitudes only, subtraction will not kill you.  Sometimes I think they would all enjoy math if there was no subtraction.

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