Sunday, September 26, 2021

Card Carrying Member

The kids have been reading the blog for a while now.  Henry started at Day One and has made it all the way to the most recent date.  Caroline is still in 2015, which makes it fun when she rereads what they did as little ones.  But, because they read it, Henry noted that there were no pictures of neither Josiah nor him doing the Filipino stick fighting.  So, behold:

Josiah and Caroline like hot chocolate.  If we get the giant box at Sam's or Costco, they'll drink hot chocolate every morning for weeks.  It's not really great to start every day with a mugful of sugar, so we stopped buying the big box and now just get one small box occasionally at the grocery store.  The last time we bought just one small box, Josiah hid it high in the pantry.  Then, he not only hid the box, but he took the packets out and hid the individual packets.  Caroline, the super sleuth, found them.  Daily.  There was a bit of arguing about how many packets they each got, so this past week when I went to the grocery store, I bought two boxes and put their names on them.  Then they took it a step further and made sure there was no question as to the ownership of each box.    

Josiah had to get some sealants on his back molars.  The dentist always tells me that I have 'deep grooves' and that they're always checking them for cavities.  Josiah has inherited my deep grooves, so he gets sealants every couple of years.  While he and I were at the dentist, Henry stayed home with Caroline.  She had not yet finished her math, so Henry helped her.  Pulling his vocabulary from his writing curriculum, he texted me, "Caroline ruthlessly finished math.  It was grueling." I feel you, buddy.

We made it through CC this week, but by that evening, I was losing my voice.  I ended up having laryngitis and could only speak in a whisper for 3 1/2 days (so isn't back yet).  It's been kind of nice because when I speak in a whisper, the kids often answer in a whisper.  And when they yell for me from a different floor or room in the house, I cannot answer - they have to come find me.  Of course, they try to milk it for all it's worth by cancelling school til my voice is back.  No bueno.    

Saturday, the boys played with water in the front.  While they were playing, Todd and Caroline went off to the library and she signed up for a library card.  The boys each got their cards when they were 8, so it was time for her, too.  She checked out four books that day and has since gone online and put 10 books on hold (the maximum allowed).  

The kids also did the pogo stick this weekend.  They were trying to best their old records.  Henry jumped 225 or so early on, so I told them how I remember getting up to 500 jumps in a row when I was a kid.  We got a lot of practice at my Grandma's house.  That's all the motivation Henry needed.  On his next turn, he jumped 649 in a row.  Josiah got a personal best of 38 and Caroline hit 6.  I told her it is just like riding a bike.  She has to find the balance on the stick and then she can go the distance.  Josiah likes to jump really high so he bounces high and moves the stick around a lot.  Henry keeps it quick and tight.  

Josiah has been staying up at night drawing Super Mario Bros in his own Whopperio character form.  

Also, we bought a big shoe rack for the garage.  Each child gets a shelf.  The kids and I do not share the same vision for the shoe rack.  Me: orderliness.  Them: Easy access.

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