Sunday, February 13, 2022

Benson Turns 2

Benson turned 2 this week.  We made him treats out of oat flour, applesauce, and peanut butter.  Caroline was a little disappointed that we didn't mold them in the shape of bones.  Benson wouldn't care if they were circles or bones.  When they came out of the oven, I sneaked a bite of one just to see how they tasted.  Not great.  That little bit had a sticky/heavy taste and it was not sweet.  Benson liked them, though, and that's what mattered.  We saved his hat from last year and tried to put it on him while we sang Happy Birthday.  He was a bit less cooperative this year, but through the power of screenshots, it looks like he let it stay on.  There was, however, quite a bit of head shaking on his part to get it off!  He's a good dog.  He puts up with a lot at times.

Benson has also been enjoying the warmer weather.  We've gone from the low 30s to the 60s.  He has spent so much time outside, hours and hours each day.  We've caught him napping on the dirt several times and I always paused to make sure I could see his chest rise and fall.  He's never really napped like that before.  He was just enjoying the warm sun.

Josiah had an orthodontist appointment early in the week.   It was no surprise that he chose dark red and dark blue rubber bands for this 8-week stretch.  The colors of Spiderman.  Henry, too, is a big Spiderman fan.  He is constantly doing Spiderman-like parkour over our couch.  He'll jump over it with his hand out shooting imaginary webs.  Literally all the time.  

Henry told me recently that he was going to call me "mom" from now on.  No more Mommy for this boy.  He's stuck to it, too.  It sounds a little forced and weird at the moment, but I'm sure it'll be natural by next week.  This weekend, he transferred it to Todd as well.  It's 'Dad' from now on. Caroline, meanwhile, said she was going to call me 'Mommy' until she was 18.  Upon further reflection, she lowered the age to 16.  I have a feeling at 16 it'll be more like an eye-rolling, agitated, annoyed Moooommmm.  

The kids had a very good Saturday.  Their friend Bobby came over to play all afternoon.  Lots of Super Mario Bros, Fortnite, light saber battles, piano playing, regular games, and good eating.  It's always a good day when their favorite friend comes over.

We have a busy week ahead of us.  Josiah has his Science Fair this week and he is not exactly 100% ready.  The project is done, the paper and reports are done, but the display board is very blank at the moment.  We will probably regret not finishing it this weekend.  I'm looking forward to this time next week when it is all behind us.  

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