Sunday, July 3, 2022

Camp 345

Henry and Caroline were off at camp for the first half of the week.  Josiah was quite bored without his siblings.  We went and bought sculpting clay so he'd have something to pass the time.  He decided to dye it green with food coloring, so he spent the rest of the week with Incredible Hulk hands.    

He also created Beatles concerts with Legos.  He built the sets and then made videos with their music in the background.  He had their early years with the mop tops. 

Then he did the rooftop concert with their shaggier hair.

During their time at camp, our children's minister texted a few photos which was very nice to have proof of life.  

Unfortunately, she also texted me the last morning of camp to say that Henry was sick.  His stomach and throat were hurting.  I wasn't overly concerned at first, because if Henry ever feels unwell, he always says it is his stomach and throat.  When he's at home, they usually feel better after breakfast.  But the texts continued.  He had a fever, too.  The camp nurse gave him some Tylenol and mentioned  something was starting to go around.  I offered to drive up and get him, but they were already planning on leaving late morning.  He would be isolated at the front of the bus.  It was a two hour trip back.  We picked them up at 1:30 p.m.  When Henry walked off the bus, he was clearly not feeling well.  He threw up twice on the bus ride (in the bathroom at least).  We got him home, forced him to shower, and then he collapsed on his mattress.  He did not get out of bed for the next 24 hours.  It seemed like a stomach bug, but because he had kayaked on a lake at the camp, I could not stop thinking about the brain-eating amoeba.  While he slept feverishly and fitfully, I sat on the couch next to him to keep watch on his symptoms.  The next morning he woke up and started reading.  I took that as a very good sign.  Even though he ended up having a rough morning, he was clearly better than the day before.  Almost exactly 24 hours after arriving home, he asked to get out of bed.  By the evening he was practically running around the house again.  

Caroline told us about her time at camp.  She was able to ride on a very tall swing with her counselor and another girl.  She enjoyed the zipline, pool time, and rec games.  It sounded like they had good food, Bible study, and worship time.  She made a friend, too, which was icing on the cake.  

Giant Swing


While Henry was recovering, Josiah and Caroline made more clay creations.  They used a combination of playdoh (for color) and clay.  Josiah made a tomato head, while Caroline did a fox.  I failed to get a picture of the fox before its nose fell off.  

This weekend the kids did more clay creations. They painted and played with their neighbor friend.  Caroline likes to give herself a challenge, so this evening she did a three color painting challenge.  She mixed a few to give it an ombre effect.  

We felt very blessed to get a little rain this week.  We have been in drought conditions for a while and burn bans had been in place.  We really did not want everything to be straw dry for the 4th of July weekend.  People here would do their fireworks no matter what the weather has been doing.  This signage felt like the perfect description of fireworks in our area.  

This coming week Josiah heads off on his mission trip, so the other two will be at home missing him.

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