Sunday, August 14, 2022

Meeting Renzo Gracie

Josiah started Challenge B this week.  Because they have to complete their week's worth of work before class, we got a jump on it Monday morning.  And because I wanted to focus just on Josiah's work to get a handle on what was expected in each subject, Henry and Caroline had an easy week of math and reading.  (But their full days of school start tomorrow.  whine, argue, negotiate, repeat.)  Josiah has a lot to get done each day and he was not very happy to learn that he may have to complete his work in the evenings or weekends.   He was even more disheartened when that very thing happened this first week of school.  He started his Latin tutoring at the end of the week and instead of coming home afterwards and relaxing, he had to finish school.  This weekend he had to do two Logic lessons.  What?  Schoolwork on a Sunday?  I'm not sure either of those situations has motivated him to work at a faster pace come Monday.  We shall see.

Mid-week, Josiah had his last Bible study.  He's been meeting weekly with the junior high pastor and 7th grade boys reading through the book of Ephesians.  When I picked him up this week, I asked what game they played.  It was floor hockey and Josiah informed me that he played goalie, instead of his typical role of DJ.  I don't even know how he plays DJ, but there is no doubt he would pick that role. 

On the way home from Bible study Josiah got his summer reading trophy at the library.  He had to read 20 hours which didn't prove too difficult especially since he had a book due for week one of Challenge.  

While Josiah had his first day of Challenge B, Henry and Caroline tagged along because they had their meet-the-tutor day.  Henry got the official photo.  Caroline was off with friends so we'll get her photo this week. She did make a cup tower in her new classroom.  It was all going well until a new classmate seemed to purposefully knock it down.  We'll see how that relationship plays out this year!

In the afternoon when it was time to go pick up Josiah, we had a little COPS action in our neighborhood.  This small car was flying down the street next to us.  Crazy fast.  I heard a cop car, but didn't see it until a few seconds later.  It was a state trooper in pursuit.  Later on I discovered the small car crashed just a few blocks down from us and the driver fled on foot (but was apprehended).  A little grand theft auto action.  

On Friday evening, Benson wanted attention.  He just stood and barked.  We scratched him all over.  Fed him treats.  Still he barked.  So we taught him a new game.  We took his duck chew toy and "hid" it (usually in a different room, but still in plain sight).  The first few times he had no clue what we were doing, but after a while he seemed to understand "find the duck."  He got to chew on the duck between each hiding, so he was one happy dog.  It must have used all his brain power because when we stopped playing, he passed out on the floor.

During jiu-jitsu class this week, Professor Mike asked Henry to help him demonstrate a technique.  He said he needed someone who could take it.  And then Henry got choked.  

This weekend, there was a jiu-jitsu seminar on the other side of Houston.  A new school was opening and Renzo Gracie, himself, was going to come.  This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so we took a road trip across town.  The kids were not very happy to give up their Saturday at the start.  However, after we got there and they sat with their friends, they had a good time.  The seminar was very well attended.  Lots of people!  Renzo Gracie is a 6th degree black belt and his family created Brazilian jiu-jitsu.  He was incredibly spirited and personable.  He would demonstrate a technique, tell a very long story that may or may not have had anything to do with the technique, and then walk around the mat giving a few tips to the participants and posing for all the photo requests.  We were sitting right behind where they were demonstrating, so many times Renzo would walk off the mat where we were.  He kept his phones near us and talked to us a lot.  One time he took out his phone and showed his camera's clarity by showing us a picture of the moon that he had taken.  Just a very friendly man.  The kids were in the middle of the mat, so I couldn't get too many pictures of them with their partners, but they had a front row seat for each demonstration.  

With him, he brought Marcus "Buchecha" Almeida, or who I referred to as "tall guy."  He is an International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation hall of famer.  He is a current MMA fighter.  The kids had no clue who he was when they took the picture.  

Todd spotted Andrei "The Pitbull" Arlovski standing near us.  I thought he was a bodyguard.  Nope.  He was a former UFC heavyweight champion.  Todd got a picture with him.  

It took a while since so many people wanted pictures, but our kids finally got one with Renzo Gracie as well.  

By the end we were all tired and hungry.  In the car driving home, Caroline said, "I didn't like it. [very long pause]  I loved it."  She loved the burrito she ate for dinner, too.  

Josiah made my heart proud this week by keeping his longest pencil shavings.  I, too, have saved my longest pencil shaving.  It has to be a good 30 years old at this point.  The next generation of pencil lovers.

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