Sunday, November 6, 2022

Good Morning Greece Part 2

Monday was Halloween.  The kids were on the crazy end of the spectrum all day.  It didn't make a ton of sense, because we really had no Halloween plans.  No one except for Josiah had planned a costume.  There was little to no talk of trick-or-treating.  As night fell, Josiah dressed up as Midas from Fortnite (pretty much a regular jeans and dress shirt kind of outfit) and went across the street to a few neighbors houses on his own.  When he got back, we did our usual trick-or-treating in the house.  Caroline said she liked it this way better because she likes all the types of candy she gets.  If she had to walk door-to-door, some houses would give her gummy candies which she wouldn't like.  After the treating there was the sorting and the trading.

We got pictures with their pumpkins the next morning.  Josiah carved his Whopperio, Cheer.  Caroline chose a classic pumpkin face.  Henry drew the Among Us sign (a game).  A day later and these were already liquifying on the inside.  Todd chucked them over our fence so they can decompose in the garden area.  The boys pumpkins were never completely hollowed out, so we may have pumpkins growing next year.  

The kids made it back to jiu-jitsu this week after weeks of being out from sickness.  Caroline especially was happy to go because she knew she had earned a stripe.  They get a reprieve from their classes again this week because the school is moving into a bigger building.  Their school has grown exponentially since Henry started almost two years ago.  We have been looking forward to this move for months.  The classes used to have about 20 kids per class.  Now they are pushing 40 per class and the mat space has shrunk with that number of bodies.  

Our weekend was filled with Josiah and his friend filming another science project.  They had to do a report on the astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt.  They had total freedom on how to do the project - poem, poster, painting, a play.  These two decided to revive their Good Morning Greece project that they did with Copernicus.  This time they 'accidentally' time-traveled to the future (DeLorean style) and interviewed Leavitt.  Since there was no female willing to be Leavitt, Josiah put a lab coat on the ballerina puppet.  Josiah was completely in his element with these projects and thoroughly enjoyed being the puppet master.  Since Leavitt had a discovery in 1912, the boys had one of their commercial breaks advertising tickets for the Titanic.  There were many laughs during the filming that I think Josiah is more excited about the blooper reel than the Leavitt portion.  His friend made sure all of Leavitt's discoveries and contributions to science were inserted into the interview.  Josiah is hoping to do another one of these in the spring. 

Saturday afternoon, we built Caroline's loft staircase.  Since she has not minded climbing up the side of the loft (and these stairs automatically came with it), she decided to use them as a bookcase.  We have finally put everything together for her.  Now she gets to move all her stuff back into the room and on the shelves.  

We watched the World Series each night they played.  Caroline practiced for her career in sports radio as she used at least as many words as the commentators did throughout the games.  She was quick to say, "Good eye!" when they didn't swing at bad pitches.  There was "Let's gooooooo!" when they got on base.  She was into it.  We were happy they cinched the series on Saturday so that we had our Sunday night free.  Quite a few school systems have closed Monday for the World Series parade.  Even Todd's college closed, so he will be assigned to the role of math and history teacher tomorrow.  

So goes another week.    

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