Sunday, January 22, 2023

Happy Birthday Again

A short and sweet week.

At jiu-jitsu this week, there were a couple of people putting up a huge decal on their main wall.  They completed it by the end of class, so they took a group picture.  Caroline said there was a lot of discussion about the "THE" which was quite close to the power strip.  In the end, it all worked out.  Caroline is in the middle with a big smile.  Henry, back left, took a more serious don't-mess-with-me stance.

At CC we learned about Thomas Gainsborough.  He liked to do fanciful landscapes and then paint portraits of people over them (The Blue Boy).  The kids were allowed to paint a landscape of their choosing and when they were done, they glued a picture of themselves on the landscape.  Last week, we took pictures of the kids and they posed however they wanted.  They got really creative - the boy next to Caroline posed like he was flying and his "landscape" was mostly all sky.  Henry chose a more contemplative look.  Caroline posed as if she were climbing a mountain.  In class, she only made it through painting the sunset.  She has yet to add the mountain at home, but when she does, she'll glue herself climbing it.  

Todd was not feeling well over the weekend.  He called it a man-cold.  His words, not mine.  He did have a fever, though, so we'll give it to him.  On Saturday, Josiah and I were out running errands, so Henry made Todd some soup.  When Todd picked up the spoon to take his first bite, he noticed Henry had given him a fork.  When asked, Henry said it was to eat the noodles and chicken.  And that confirmed to Todd that Henry was definitely my son.  I like soup for the chunks.  Todd is a fan of the broth.  

This weekend we made the birthday cake that Josiah originally wanted.  We had red velvet cake with a layer of vanilla ice cream in the middle.  Then he wanted a cream cheese frosting to go over it all.  He put the candles in it himself and we sang, Happy Birthday to you again.  Happy Birthday to you again.  Reviews were mixed.  Some could do without the ice cream, some the frosting.  

Besides a bunch of school work, that was our week.  

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