Sunday, February 12, 2023

Benson Turns 3

Josiah earned his own stripe at jiu-jitsu this week.  So many of the sibling sets there get stripes on the same day and they always take a sibling picture.  Not so with our kids.  Josiah purposefully timed it so it would be on a different week than Henry's stripe so he could get the new menu at Crumbl Cookies.  This particular night, he worked hard for that stripe!  It was a tough evening of jiu-jitsu.  The instructor divided everyone up into groups of 4.  Then he numbered the kids in the groups 1 through 4.  He gave them a starting point (mount, guard, etc.) and then yelled out 1 & 3 or 2 & 4 or 1 & 4, etc., Those two people would then battle.  He would periodically change their starting scenarios, but besides that they were doing some intense battles for nearly the whole class.  There was very little time between rounds, so they were really working it.  The parents were getting tired just watching them.  

Josiah wasn't too keen about the choice of cookies at Crumbl.  He ended up with the classic chocolate chip.  Henry picked the chocolate cake cookie, Caroline was very excited to get the Circus Animal Sugar Cookie, and I chose Kentucky Butter cookie since the kids thought it sounded gross.  However, it became the favorite after taste-testing everyone's picks.

Since we had a break week from CC, we made plans with friends.  On Tuesday, we had friends from CC play at our house all morning.  On Wednesday, Henry had a friend spend the afternoon with us.  Wednesday was also Benson's 3rd birthday.  Since it didn't bother him much, we changed Josiah's "14" balloons to "4 minus 1."  Josiah also made him a sign for his bed upstairs.  Happy Ben Day

In the afternoon, we baked him special birthday treats.  The dough was made of applesauce, peanut butter, and oat flour.  I rolled it out and used a glass to cut out disc shapes.  Caroline came downstairs as I was cutting them out and was not too happy to have dog discs, so we pinched them and made them into wonky shaped bones.  Because all the ingredients were "familiar," the kids wanted to try them along with Benson.  And then they became fans.  For the remainder of the week, Caroline kept asking, "Can I split a treat with Benson?"  She'd give him half and eat half herself.  I tried the corner of one and they were not that good - very dry and peanut buttery.  

Josiah's big day came on Thursday.  His whole class spent the day at Main Event.  If they got there before noon, they could purchase unlimited laser tag, bowling, pool, & the ropes course.  They did all the things and had a great time together.  I asked him how much the food cost just out of curiosity.  He explained what he paid for the chicken tenders (of course) and fries.  Then he went on to add, he also got an Oreo cheesecake jar because they just looked good enough to try.  Arcade games were extra.  He went with a certain amount of money and I forewarned him that when the money was gone, it was gone.  He was generous, though, and let everyone do a little with his arcade card.  

This weekend, Caroline wanted to get some pictures on her wall.  She started with Great Grandma's paintings as well as her balloon wall.  She's waiting until we finish art this quarter at CC before hanging up her remaining paintings.  

Todd treated the kids to Liquid Death this weekend.  Their schtick is that the water comes from the Alps and they have a cool name.  Their tag line is "murder your thirst."  Caroline has enjoyed saying that.   The kids savored their over-priced water in cans that looked like beer.  That was the main appeal.  Josiah was too sophisticated for a can and poured his in a glass.  

To watch the Super Bowl, the kids set up the living room with a different seating arrangement.  It was sort of ironic because they had zero desire to actually watch the game.  And the least interested among them, Benson, had his bed put front and center.  He laid down facing away from the TV and promptly fell asleep.  

We have a regular school week coming up.  The kids asked if we were getting Valentine's Day off.  I don't think so....

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