Sunday, March 5, 2023

Half Ninety

This week started out with another birthday.  The kids were keen to celebrate it because their goal was to keep me in my room for as long as possible.  They came up with menus for the Kids Room Service.  They were available to bring me whatever I wanted.  In return, they got to stay downstairs doing anything and everything that wasn't schoolwork.  

This birthday felt like I was turning a LOT older.  Usually I do not care too much about age, but this one feels old.  I mentioned that to Josiah and his timely advice was, "You know, you just have to embrace getting older because you're only going to be old from now on."   

I ordered the toast for breakfast.  "M" for Mature.
Josiah serenaded us the evening before with a birthday concert series.

We enjoyed Angel Food Cake.  I had heavy whipping cream from some other dish, so we made homemade whip cream.  It was pretty good, but the kids noticed it wasn't as sweet as the Reddi-Whip.  

You know you're old when your age is "Wow!"

At CC this week, the kids learned about airplanes in science.  They learned the four forces that keep the planes flying steady (thrust, drag, lift, and weight/gravity).  Then they made their own airplanes and tested them outside.  By the time Caroline's class got outside, it was windy and on the verge of a rain shower.  They got a few throws in before the rain started.  One kid in her class had his own technique and his planes always flew furthest.  Back inside, he taught everyone how to make his plane.  

Henry brought cupcakes to his class to celebrate his birthday.  Caroline found her way over to his class at lunch time to make sure she celebrated with them.  

In the afternoon, Caroline got to read her paper in Essentials.  This was a fun one.  You had to pretend you were from the Middle Ages and that you somehow found yourself in modern times.  You had to create diary entries about how you spent your time.  Both Caroline and Henry ended up in NYC and had fun describing things without using modern terms.  The audience had to guess some of the things described.  

Josiah's class received subpoenas that requested their presence on a certain date for court.  The subpoena was addressed to the role they are to play in their mock trial.  Because his class has to go against themselves (they really tried to go against a different campus, but it didn't work out), they each got two roles.  Josiah got his number one pick for the first round and in the second round he gets to be Bailiff.  They have 8 weeks to prepare as teams.  I told Josiah he needs to read his witness statement every day so he remembers exactly what is said so he can answer questions accurately.  He'll be examined by both the defense and the prosecution.  (He's a defense witness.) 

Henry had a good day on Friday.  He was able to go to a friend's birthday party in the afternoon.  They went to a place that had laser tag, an arcade, and virtual reality.  They went for Tex-Mex afterwards.  Henry came home enthusiastically recommending the "fajitas for two" at Victoria's.  The meat was amazing!  When they got back to his friend's house they played a ton outside.  He was completely exhausted by the time we picked him up.  That's the way to party.

This weekend we did a little Caring for Katy in our own yard.  The kids helped out with the raking and weeding.  They stepped back inside while Todd and I finished the mowing and edging.  Caring for Katy always motivates us to get our yard in better shape.  Next weekend we plan to tackle the backyard weed fest.  

Exhausted from the yardwork, we ate out - another birthday celebration.

We followed that up with a game of Apples to Apples with all five of us.  We decided to play until someone won 10 rounds.  Todd crushed us, winning 10 rounds to our two or three each, but it's a fun game.  

We have another exciting birthday week coming up.  Double digits are in store for one little girl!

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