Sunday, May 14, 2023

Whata Week

Henry started out his week as a sickie.  It seemed to be a bad head cold for the most part, but he threw in a little retching to keep it interesting.  On his worst day, Josiah let Henry play his Switch, but only if he wore latex gloves.  No spreading germs around here.  Henry had a slow week because of it, but was still able to celebrate his Memory Master dinner Friday night.  This year only four kids went for memory master, so it was a pretty small crowd.  They played games and ate, posed for pictures and had cupcakes to celebrate.  It was a nice lowkey evening. 


Henry's first and last memory master medals - he's grown a bit.  (Ages 12 and 7)

Todd picked up Henry's cold, so he's had a bit of a rough week as well.

 Josiah went to the orthodontist.  They put the final wire on his bottom teeth this week.  On his next visit, they are going to put the final wire on his top teeth.  The orthodontist said, "we're still pushing for the finish line, but his teeth look good."  As we walked out of the office Josiah muttered, I don't think he has the same definition of 'finish line' that I do.  In Josiah's defense, he's been at said finish line for a good 8 months.  He's ready to cross it!

Midweek, our neighbor friend had his middle school orchestra concert.  He invited us, because for, one, he's the type of kid to invite everyone to everything.  Very much a people person, but, two, because they were playing Eleanor Rigby by the Beatles.  They had the school's choir director sing the lyrics, and he chose a more operatic voice, so it was an interesting rendition.  Caroline sang along and played the air drums.  

What's a girl to do while waiting for the concert, but kick up her heels in the hallways.  -->

The next day, Josiah had a five hour yearbook meeting.  Five. Hours. They met at a library and worked on their page spreads.  Josiah was in charge of the Faces of History pages as well as another class page.  They enjoyed a Chick-fil-a lunch and celebrated finishing the whole thing by being treated to Italian ice.  He was exhausted by the time he got home.  

For Mother's Day we had dinner and a show.  We went out for tacos and when we came home, we made choco-tacos with pizzelles.  

Later in the evening, the kids put on a play.  They had been practicing it for quite a few days.  The boys were two young brothers, Johnny and Jimmy.  Caroline played the role of their older sister as well as their mother.  When in mother mode, she spoke with a British accent and was quite harsh with her words.  She yelled at the boys for making a mess and then said, "I'm going off to the shops."  I hesitantly asked her if she modeled her character after me and was relieved when she said no.  

At the end of the play, Josiah gave me a trophy.  He has been painting it for two weeks now on the kitchen countertop.  He would add super thick layers of paint and let it sit all day to dry.  Originally he said he was making a stage for his stop-motion animations, but it was an award all along.  

They also gifted me with Whatashirt and a Whatacoffee-cozy. 
For Mother's Day at church, my class of 2-3 year olds gave me a much better day.  Last week, I had three kids pee on the floor (two just missed the toilet while sitting on the toilet) and two incident reports - if they fall in class we write it up in case a bruise shows up later.  It was rough!  Today they were much more chill.  The most we had was one little girl who sang Old McDonald at the top of her lungs for a very long time.  At one point she stopped and said, "Nobody's singing with me." before getting right back into it.  

Caroline created a Mother's Day collage:

And so ends another week.

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