Sunday, July 16, 2023

Water Fun

Josiah started his week out at the orthodontist.  He has received his final upper wire and it was reiterated again that he's still at the finish line.  It'll be three years of braces in September.  This has been the longest finish line known to man.  Henry is next in line for braces.  He has been resistant to them up until a few weeks ago.  Now he wants them on in case it takes him three years to reach his finish line.

Henry had fun mid-week with his MARCH friends from church.  This is a group of 5 guys whose first initials spell out MARCH.  The plan was to go bowling.  They lucked out because they had to kill a little time until the 5th friend arrived, so they got to play in the arcade.  Bowling was quite interesting with five 12-year old boys.  They played two games.  They started out normally - throwing the ball down the lane.  Then they decided to see how slowly they could roll the ball while still getting it all the way down the lane.  Sometimes they laid on their stomachs at the foot fault line and pushed it ever so gently with their hands.  (They had the bumpers up, so the gutter wasn't a problem.)  Needless to say, their games lasted quite a while because of that.  At least once it got stuck midway down, but that only elicited cheers. 

After bowling, they got to play one game of laser tag before we all had to go.  It was fun to see Henry with his friends.  They really enjoyed hanging out!      

Henry has also decided he wants to purchase a Lego kit.  Said kit is $350 dollars so he needs to earn some bank.  Do I have the job for you!  Henry and I have different techniques when mowing.  Whenever I mow the backyard, I am gingerly putting my foot down with each step, looking for Benson's business.  Not Henry.  He didn't look once and walked as if there wasn't anything but grass beneath his feet.  

After the grass was cut, we headed to the pool.  Josiah didn't want to join us this time.  

Later that same day, Henry and Caroline went to their neighbor friend's pool.  They are wearing balls that have been cut open and made into hats.  

The boys spent the night at this same friend's house this weekend.  I gave them one rule - please do not stay up until two or three in the morning.  And when did they go to bed?  2:30 a.m.  Todd had to deal with the grumpy crankiness the next day, because I had an orientation all day.  Caroline was mad the boys always get to spend the night, so she and I stayed up late and watched Nanny McPhee.  

Henry and I attended Part 1 of a Latin Workshop.  He starts Latin this year, so this was designed to teach him good study skills.  Some of the kids helping with the workshop were Josiah's classmates so I got a glimpse into how they complete their work.  And later, Josiah and I had a conversation about changing up his study habits!    

Mid-week we got an Amber Alert style notification on our phone with two words.  'Gas Leak.'  Nothing else.  No information as to where it was.  Nothing.  So, one child, who shall remain nameless, decided to flick on our lighter to light our gas stove to see if we had the leak.  Do you want to meet Jesus?  Because that's how you do it in a gas leak situation.  A bit later we were given more information as to the location of the gas leak.  We were safe.  Clearly.  

This summer, we've been working on a diamond art project.  We have to place tiny beads on the sticky background.  It's like color by number, but with beads.  All the kids have helped with it.  It's like doing a puzzle - a time to zone out on everything else and just have fun with it.  

The weather is just so hot.  There is no rain in sight, so we have to break out the sprinklers to keep the ground from cracking horribly.  Benson is a fan and it is hilarious to watch him play with the sprinkler.  

Benson is always being photographed by Caroline.

This week coming up is filled with more orientations and workshops, plus a few fun activities with friends.  That and lots of school reading on my part!

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