Sunday, August 6, 2023

Starting High School

This week the boys started school full-time.  We did not get a picture Monday morning, but later in the week we got pictures at CC.  Henry has started 7th grade/Challenge A.  This is the year he'll learn how to draw the world through Cartography.  He started Latin and Analogies/Fallacies. Then there is the normal math, science, and writing as well.  He even started attending his own Latin tutoring earlier in the week.  One of Josiah's classmates is very good at Latin and started tutoring the younger levels.  Henry enjoyed his first class.  Hopefully he learn a lot of good study tips and be motivated to keep it up.  

Josiah started high school - 9th grade/Challenge 1!  This year he has Debate/American Government, Physical Science, Logic 1, and then the usual Latin, writing, and math.  He's continuing with his Latin tutoring as well.  

While I was at CC with the boys, Todd hung out with Caroline.  They tried out a new restaurant and enjoyed a burger.  Caroline was most impressed that they cut her burger in half.  She happily took half home for later.  Of course, when the boys spotted her half-hamburger in the fridge, they knew she got something they didn't.  So a bit of a two-edged sword.    

Josiah felt he has missed out on many of the eating out occasions, so Todd took him out this weekend to another new restaurant.  It wasn't a pub crawl, but they did hit up a pub for brunch.  Josiah, of course, ordered chicken (tenders) and waffles.  Todd wants to go back for their more traditional fish and chips and shepherd's pie another time.  
Our meals at home have been somewhat altered.  Our oven stopped working and we think this time it is for good.  We have another one ordered, but it'll be a week before it arrives.  The stovetop still works and the broiler works, so one evening the kids broiled pizza bread.  
It's fun when the kids ask what's for dinner now.  I have no idea.  Cold cuts?  Those sound great to me.  Unfortunately, we somehow did not raise sandwich lovers.  

Josiah spent some time drawing the Beatles.  He did a young/old(er) cross picture.  According to him, Ringo always stays the same give or take the mustache.  

Henry finished the week out with a pool party with his LifeGroup friends.  They enjoyed a cookout and some swimming.  He's really found a great group of church friends.  LifeGroups don't start up until September, so he's enjoying all the time spent with them.   

Caroline is very much looking forward to this coming week because she has a Meet the Tutor day.  She is ready to get back to CC, to finding out who her tutor is, and all her CC friends.  

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