Sunday, October 22, 2023

Grandma, Grandpa, & Claire Visit

Early in the week, Caroline jumped back into jiu-jitsu.  She did really well for her first day back in eight weeks.  She did get tired quicker that she had before, but she'll build up that stamina in no time.  

They were working on triangle chokes.  Josiah is in the blue gi behind her.  

She also had two follow-ups this week.  The first was with her regular pediatrician.  I wasn't sure of the purpose of the visit except to inform him of her whereabouts for the past few weeks.  She is doing well, so there was nothing to do but get a flu shot.  She was not happy.  She did not sign up for that.  

But that same evening, Todd's new university sent her a Welcome Home bouquet.  It was very pretty.  

Her other appointment was with the ENT who was her surgeon back in September.  He had to use the camera to go up her nose and see how the sinuses were healing from the inside.  That required some numbing agent to be sprayed up her nose.  She said it tasted like hand sanitizer, so that was not pleasant.  She was quite leery of the long camera tube contraption, but fortunately that just felt ticklish.  If it hurt, he would change positions and get it on the tickly side again.  We were surprised to hear she still had some packing up in her nasal cavity (it's dissolvable, so it stays).  She is still required to do her nasal rinses twice a day and he added Flonase twice a day on top of that.  How long do I have to do this?  Forever!  The doctor says it is just like brushing your teeth.  You are cleaning the inside of your nose.  We have to follow-up again in three months and hopefully get a clean bill of health and no need to return.  

At CC, Josiah's class had a fun experiment with speed and velocity.  They used raw eggs and ramps.  First, two eggs followed each other down a ramp, moving at the same speed and velocity.  Next, one egg started at the top of the ramp and hit a stationary egg at the bottom.  But the third trial was the favorite.  There were two ramps and the eggs were released facing each other with the hopes of a collision at the bottom.  Same speed, different velocities.  If no collision was obtained in the first round, then many subsequent rounds were tested to make sure the eggs were obliterated.  The best part was when the kids wrote names or faces on the eggs.  "Your mom" won one round to the surprise of the student who had written it.  

Henry finished up his science papers with Mammals.  He chose squirrels because they are so cute and very fun to watch.  Next up is the Science Fair project.  Henry already has a great idea for it.  Currently, he's just doing the preliminary work required before the actual experiment.  We will probably do the experiment in December when CC is over for the semester.  His experiment involves raw eggs as well.  

The best part of the week, however, was when Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Claire came to visit.  They didn't get in until 9:40 p.m. Tuesday night and the kids were ready to jump in with a board game.  Not tonight... One thing that they really wanted to do was to play Apples to Apples with Grandpa.  Knowing his reputation, they knew the game would be fun.  We were able to hold them off until after lunch the following day, and Grandpa did not disappoint.  He would choose ridiculous cards and then when it was the person's turn to read through the cards, Grandpa would chuckle when his was read, so we knew which was his card.  Grandpa also magically won because he had a whole stack of green cards.  (He only earned one in the game.)  Meanwhile Caroline was sitting beside him and had grabbed a stack for herself as well.  

Thursday, we tried our hand at Trivial Pursuit. We have an edition that has both adult and kid cards.  Henry won, but he did have a few questionable answers.  When asked the capital of Poland, he was so happy because he is working on Europe in Cartography.  He exclaimed, "I just learned this!  Warslo!"  We kept asking him to repeat his pronunciation.  Then we asked for a spelling. W-A-R-S-L-O. So, Henry learned how to speak and spell Warsaw that night.  Henry had another good question: Which word comes from the Greek words for star sailor -- mariner, astronaut, or sky diver? All the adults immediately thought of Ancient Greek and we all were 100% sure of ourselves that it was mariner.  It was not Ancient Greek, however, it was just Greek, and Henry answered with a very confident Astronaut.  The adults cracked up because we were so sure he was wrong.  Because of our laughter, he changed his answer to sky diver.  We again laughed because it was so clearly mariner.  It was astronaut.  He was correct.  And, of course, astro = star, naut = sailor.   

On Friday, Claire treated Henry and Caroline to Jeremiah's Ice.  It is a really good swirl of Italian Ice with frozen yogurt.  Grandma and Grandpa didn't miss out either.  

Friday was a very busy day.  By evening time, Henry was the only kid left at home, so we played cards together.  Rummy was the game.  Caroline was off at a birthday party.  Josiah was off at the High School Retreat with our church.  

As with all visits, they are too short and everyone flew out Saturday morning.  Now that we're moving closer, we'll have to bring our board games on the road.  

While Josiah was on his retreat, Henry wanted to play the Game of Life.  He had quite the game and had himself seven kids.  He made sure they each had a spot in his car, too.  Ironically, Josiah wanted to play Life when he got back from his retreat, so we played another round.  Henry ended up with four or five kids this time.  

Josiah got back from his retreat this morning.  He said he had a great time.  On Saturday, they told the kids to have a Sabbath rest after their lesson.  They could not play basketball or any physical game like that, but they could fish.  So Josiah and a few friends "rested" on the dock.  Josiah got his line in the water first, but then one of the helpers showed him how to fish correctly and, as he did so, he caught a catfish.  A photo was taken.  Josiah did not want to hold it since technically the other guy caught it.  The fish did make it back in the water.  After that, they had no more luck.  The Sabbath rest was for two hours, and when the time was up, the boys got in boats to try to fish further out in the lake.  Josiah started to take a pedal boat out, but then realized the pedals didn't work.  So he went back and got a canoe or kayak.  We're not sure which.  At some point, Josiah found himself outside of his boat in waist deep water.  This was the moment his shoes got quite wet and muddy.  He made it out of the water no problem, and he did take a shower soon afterwards.  We do not need any more foreign bacteria in our bodies!  Said shoes made it in his dirty clothes bag and it was all quite ripe when I did laundry this evening.  He had a very good time and wants to go on the Spring Retreat as well.  

Benson was super cute this week.  He looks so regal sometimes.    

But not all the time.
Henry's retreat is coming up this week, so he's looking forward to his time away with friends.  

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