Sunday, November 12, 2023

School Picture Day

We were slightly late to the game, but we started our week off by taking "first day of school" pictures.  Josiah's career choice remains steady and true - artist.  Henry has gone full lawyer route - a wise choice to make money on his strong arguing abilities.  Caroline's new career choice was influenced by her stay in the hospital - Child Life Specialist.  Benson just wants to be a good dog.  ✔

It was Picture Day at CC as well.  There were many interruptions to the day, so the classes were a bit chattier and less focused than usual.  I tried to get a few behind the scenes pictures.

Caroline helped decorate brown paper bags for Lunches of Love, which provides lunches to hundreds of low-income kids each week.

In Henry's analogies strand, they had to act out a parable.  Henry's team got the Mustard Seed.
Matthew 13:31-32 "He put another parable before them, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field.  It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches."  Henry's credits are: "man" and "bird."

  The kids each have a list of things they want to do before we leave Texas.  On the top of Henry's list was to go to Black Rock Coffee one morning and leisurely enjoy a coffee together.  We made that happen this Saturday.  He ordered his first mocha and liked it.  Lesson learned, however, he does not need size medium.  When the espresso hit him, he got to talking quite a lot.  

Saturday afternoon the kids broke out our gingerbread decorating kit.  We nixed decorating gingerbread houses after all the tears shed last year.  Flat cookies to decorate seemed much easier to handle.  I had no idea when I bought this kit that the cookies were massive.  No size was mentioned on the box.  They casually take bites throughout the days, so they're slowly being consumed.  

Caroline's snowman has a medal around his neck.

Josiah spent his Saturday night at an outdoor birthday pool party.  The temperatures drop down to the 50s at night now, so when I picked him up that night, he blasted the heat the whole drive home.  I had warned him ahead of time that he doesn't have a lot of body fat, so he was going to get quite chilly if he got out of the (heated) pool.  Once you get in, you have to commit for the rest of the night.  

Henry got to spend Sunday afternoon at a friend's house.  They had planned on biking around a large park, but as soon as they got to his friend's house it started to rain.  It's that cold autumn rain, so they had to put it off til next time.  

We did all the usual activities this week as well.  We played many card games, chess and checkers, too.  One more week of CC before our Thanksgiving break.  

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