Sunday, January 21, 2024

Arctic Freeze

We started our week in the low 20s. I had to pick up Henry from his sleepover Monday morning.  I did not realize that we were going to have precipitation with the cold front.  The freezing rain started as soon as I got in the car to get him.  Before I had driven a block (and my engine was still cold), my whole windshield iced over and I couldn't see a thing.  I avoided the highway and the many overpasses it holds and got Henry without incident.  As we drove under the highway overpass on the way home we could see firetrucks and ambulances attending an accident above us.  Before the day was over huge parts of the highways were closed due to ice.  We have no winter weather sand/salt trucks here.  

Henry and I stopped at the grocery store on the ride home.  He is always up for trying something new, so while we roamed the produce department, Henry picked up a dragon fruit.  We tried it all together and it was quite good.  It reminded me of kiwi fruit.  Despite her face, Caroline didn't mind it.  Henry was a fan.  Josiah not so much.  Henry wants to pick up a new item each time we go and have a tasting session.  

The winter weather continued into Tuesday.  The highways were still closed as well as the schools.  Homeschools, however, were up and running, which was not well received.  It's not fair! 

Todd sent SWU sweatshirts just in time for the cold snap.  The kids have been wearing them all week and admiring their softness.  Henry was impressed that the elastic on the wrists was not stretched out.  He kept commenting on how well it fit.  He has severely stretched out the wrists of his regular sweatshirt.  He tried to tell me that we bought it that way.  He was not convinced when I told him Columbia does not sell stretched-out-wrist-sweatshirts.  You did that buddy.  That was all you!

Even Benson has cuddled up due to the cold weather.  One night the kids got him to sleep in Henry's room with them.  Hours later when I went up to bed, Benson was nowhere to be seen, so I snuck to Henry's room and he was curled up on Josiah's mattress.  The kids have been sleeping in Henry's room since Christmas Eve.  Josiah with his mattress on the floor, Caroline on the cot.  

Henry spent a lot of the week working on his Science Fair project.  He completed Trial 3 with the stained eggs.  Then he completed his formal research paper.  When he got to class, they went through the papers and Henry notated all of his 'fixes.'  APA format is required.  I read all the information on the APA website, but a lot of parts come down to 'or whatever your instructor requires.'  So, we're doing our best.  We tried.  From the paper, he moved onto the project board.  His title is Sugar Stained Teeth and he wanted 'Sugar' to be written in sugar.  We opted for salt because it looks the same and attracts fewer ants.  The Science Fair is this week and he should be ready to present to the judges. 

Josiah has continued to check his stocks daily, more often hourly.  This week he had a guest speaker in his class come talk about investing and the Stock Market.  He reiterated, buy low, sell high, and Josiah has shown considerable restraint this week in that regard.  He still ranks #2 in his class (of 13), but he is always clamoring for 1st.  

Caroline had her Picasso day at CC.  Picasso is her favorite artist because anything goes and nothing is 'wrong.'  She's taken to naming her people this year as well.  I especially like how she did the tie-dye shirt.  

Josiah, ever the social butterfly, planned an entire event out with his friends this weekend.  A local high school (which none of them attend) was putting on SpongeBob the Musical.  Once Josiah saw the advertisement a few weeks back, he was making plans to go.  When I dropped him off, I gave him some cash in case they had refreshments.  I always throw in the, Be reasonable, advice.  Josiah loved the musical and recognized a few church members as part of the cast.  When he got home, I asked him for my change.  He had bought himself refreshments for the first half, a bit more during intermission, and then something to tie him over during the second half.  He is not liking his Economics project at times like these, because he has to itemize everything he spends.  It's no fun looking at it all written out like that.  

After church today we headed to Tutti Frutti.  The rule was that we would not go there so long as Josiah had his braces on.  That bought me a few years of avoidance, but alas, the time finally came when he got them off.  Every time we've gone to church since, the kids have reminded me that I promised we could go.  So, even though it was only 43° at the close of church, we stopped on our way home.  It is self-serve - you get the frozen yogurt and you get all your own toppings.  Then the moment of truth comes when they weigh it.  And that is why we don't go there very often.  

Caroline had a Benson's Nose photo session this weekend.  She is obsessed with his nose.  

It's a busy week ahead, but it'll be nice to have Science Fair behind us this time next week.

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