Sunday, February 4, 2024

The Results

Henry started out his week with his first red stripe on his grey belt.  While Professor Mike was putting the stripe on, he told Henry that he is ready for the adult class.  Henry is only keen on going when he knows other friends will be there, but we'll try to work some adult classes into the schedule.  Josiah is even less enthusiastic about the adult class because he likes to work with only one friend who is in the kid class.   

Mid-week I spent the entire afternoon at the car dealership.  Ironically, whenever we've priced car repairs, the dealership typically comes out better.  My car was quite bouncy every time I braked.  It had been happening for several months and was getting worse.  They replaced the rotors and brake pads and when I drove out of there, my car was as smooth as could be.  The wallet was a bit lighter, but the ride was nice.

The kids helped me practice a science experiment before CC.  We bent light with a mirror partially submerged in water.  They had a lot of fun with it and it looked like a cross between a campfire and a bomb pop (popsicle).  The pan with the water in it was on the floor of our dining room while we did the experiment.  Benson came over out of curiosity and kept trying to lap the water from the pan.    

CC went well this week.  Caroline did a Norman Rockwellesque Saturday Evening Post cover picture.  

She also gave her presentation on the origin of Pringles.  She talked about who invented them and offered little fun facts.  Then she brought out little cans of Pringles for her classmates to enjoy.  That went over well.  

Henry received his science fair results.  His main goal was to beat Josiah's score of 87.  Josiah came in 3rd place with that score.  Henry was less concerned about placing.  When Henry received the judge's sheets back, he averaged his scores and got an 89.25.  That score earned him 5th place among his classmates.  His score sheets all commended him on the same points - Good job memorizing your presentation.  You were well-prepared.  You explained all the points well.  The judges also all agreed on 'What could the student improve?'  Every judge wrote, Could slow down a bit while presenting.  Slow down.  Pause.  Slow Down. Breathe!  Pacing yourself is a skill to be learned.  Besides first, second, and third place, there were judges awards as well.  Henry received the Most Practical award, which seemed apropos.  Measuring the acidity of the liquids would have helped him mightily, but we know better for next time.  

Josiah has to present a Cost of Living Project towards the end of the semester.  I told him that the class above him had done a lot of Power Point presentations for this particular project.  So Josiah played around with Power Point this weekend.  He and Caroline both created funny presentations as if they were executives at Google answering emails from patrons.  At least Josiah familiarized himself with the program, so now he's ready to do the real thing.  

Josiah also set up his own streaming area in the playroom.  Everyone wants to be a YouTuber or a video game streamer.  He made his introductory video by superimposing his head over another streamer's face violating all sorts of copyright laws.  Then he superimposed his streamer name over the original one as well.  Another violation.  Nothing was broadcast - it was just for his friends. He had a lot of fun with it and the video he made was actually pretty funny.  

The grocery stores have had an abundance of pomelos lately, so Henry and I tried one this week.  It is very similar to grapefruit, still tangy, but not as acidic.  Quite good.  We went back for more.  

As we finish out our time in Texas, we're all trying to spend as much time with friends as possible.  This weekend, Josiah cheered on his friends at another basketball game.  I got to go out with a friend for lunch (Bobby's mom).  It has been a long time since I've done that and forgot what a boost it could be.  There was a lot of laughter!  In the spirit of getting together, we have two activities planned for this upcoming week, as well.  It is a break week from CC, so we have a park date and a game night event.  

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