Sunday, March 31, 2024

Project Time

Josiah worked on many projects this week.  At CC he was able to present on two of them.  And, because he wanted to be ambitious, he created and completed a third project - a slideshow for his Final Math Problem.  He has to present a math problem to his class every three weeks.  This would be his last (ever) so he wanted to make it memorable.  He included his CC journey from kindergarten.  He had a picture of his kindergarten class with him and three other original kids from our campus. When he got to the end of his presentation, he had a slide with this written, "What does this have to do with math?"  The next slide said, "Nothing."  Then he proceeded to do a problem on the white board.  He just wanted to take the time to share his CC journey.  

Later in the day he presented his Cost of Living project.  He started it off by asking the class if they were ready to sit through 76 slides of PowerPoint.  He had a lot of fun with this project.  He ran through his college education, his career path, and how much it would cost to live.  He covered his apartment, utilities, insurance, car payments, food, tithe, and any other expenses.  One thing all the kids in his class included in their expenses were the streaming services they intended to purchase.  Netflix.  YouTube Premium.  Spotify.   Priorities!

Josiah also presented his Individual Event, or in this case, a Quad Event.  His group of friends acted out the SNL skit.  Josiah was the German-accented philosophy major security guard.  His first and best line, "I ahm zee security gaard."  He maintained the accent for the entire skit.  

He got the thieves to turn on themselves.

We tried out Crust Pizza, which is a new pizza place around here.  The kids were fans.  I was a bit confused by the name Crust pizza, because I expected there to be a hearty crust.  It was a bit flat.  It was the type of pizza that needed to be eaten with a knife and fork, which they did provide, so that was nice.  We got a good picture under the sign.  

Josiah also saw that Dude Perfect created their own shake at Smoothie King.  Not just a DP shake, but it came in a collectible DP cup.  Josiah was all in.  And to make it even more enticing, there is a new collectible cup each month.  Josiah is the type of consumer all marketing people love and target.  Henry and Caroline wanted to try Josiah's shake first before getting their own.  So we'll see what April brings.     

Friday, Josiah and I drove out to pick Todd up from the airport.  Before going home, we stopped at an appliance store.  The location was a little sketchy from the outside, but inside we met a very nice older gentleman who knew his appliances.  This guy had been in the industry for 40+ years.  We ordered ourselves a new washer and dryer - speed queens this time, because I'm tired of them always breaking.  We've been without a dryer since November, so we're looking forward to soft clothes instead of the stiff, hard, air-dried clothes (and towels!).  

The kids were dead set on going to Gringo's for a late lunch with Todd.  It did not disappoint.  Their Tex-Mex is amazing.  We were so hungry, we went through five baskets of chips.  That just meant we got to bring more of our meals home with us, so really it was a win-win.  The part the kids loved was the free (self-service) frozen yogurt machine on the way out.  Josiah got himself a small cone.  Caroline got herself a small cone.  And Henry walked out with the biggest cone he could make.  He saved a take-home bowl so he could drop the yogurt in there and eat it with his cone spoon.  
With Todd here, we all got outside and did yardwork together Saturday morning.  I gladly passed off my edging duties.  He also spent an evening doing the taxes.  We have been talking more about the new house and together we made a list of Definites, Would Be Nice, and Don't Want.  The kids all agreed that having their own bedroom and bathroom should be on the Definites list.  Your own bedroom?  Definitely.  Your own bathroom? That Would Be Nice.  They want two stories, high ceilings, a long driveway, garage, basement, a big yard for Benson, a fenced-in yard, gas stove, no HOA, and a good location for school, work, and church.  Caroline checks the mileage to each whenever she is house hunting.  

Our church does Saturday Easter services to offset the crowds that come Sunday morning.  We headed to one of those Saturday services.  The music was amazing.  Even Josiah said he got the biggest goosebumps he's ever gotten during a song.  We took pictures at our tree.  

We still did an egg hunt around the house.  

The boys have played a lot of basketball this week.  This weekend they broke out the baseball equipment.  They play with a heavy sand-filled ball so it doesn't go far when hit.  

Tomorrow Todd flies back and it is business as usual for the kids - back to the school work and finishing all the papers and projects for the year.  It feels like the end is rapidly approaching.

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