Sunday, April 14, 2024

Partial Eclipse of the Sun

Josiah started his week off watching the eclipse.  We weren't sure we would be able to see anything because it was incredibly cloudy all morning.  In some parts of the area, the skies cleared well enough to see it.  We did not have the full solar eclipse, but it was pretty close.  A friend of mine took the picture to the left - still visible through the clouds.  Josiah saw it with nearly his whole class.  8 out of 9 kids thought it looked great.

Josiah's class had gotten together to watch Return of the Jedi because they have to do a comparison essay on it.  For their last paper, they had to read a book (Starship Troopers) or watch Return of the Jedi.  I think they made the decision to watch the movie before the question was even finished.  It was at Bobby's house and his mom made very cool Star Wars and eclipse snacks.  She always makes things special and fun!  


During the eclipse, Henry was at his Latin tutoring, but they took a break to see it.  Meanwhile, Caroline and I were shopping because she wanted new shorts for the summer.  We were in Target at peak eclipse time, but it didn't matter as much to us because we didn't have the special glasses to view it anyway.  

In the middle of the week, during the middle of the night, the sky rumbled just a few times before it brought forth the biggest, loudest, brightest, and all the '-est's' thunder and lighting I think I have ever seen.  It was so strong the entire house shook.  A lot.  Caroline was climbing off her bed almost immediately and she came in to see if I was awake.  A minute later there was Josiah and then Henry right behind him.  We hung out downstairs watching funny YouTube videos from 3:30 - 5:00 a.m. because the storm was so violent. Benson was happy to have the company because he was not a fan of the thunder either. Whenever I peeked outside, the wind looked like it was hurricane force.  It was incredibly strong.  We were all happy when it finally died down.  And, yes, we all went back to sleep.    

Caroline had an Allergy & Immunology appointment this week.  This appointment was made for her while she was still in the hospital.  This was their first available.  The doctors' wanted her checked out because it was unusual that both her neck abscess (age 4) and her meningitis were caused by the same bacteria - MSSA.  Not to mention that it was a rare bacteria to cause meningitis.  So we talked to the specialist who ordered some allergy and immunology tests.  Her blood tests have been the first to come back and she reacted to only one thing - marsh elder - a weed.  We're waiting to see if anything else comes back, but the doctor emphasized that she needs to stay on top of her sinuses so that infections do not occur.  The immunology results will take longer.  

At CC this week, Henry's class dissected a cow eye.  Each student got their own eye.  The director was walking them through the process and only she held the scalpel because, as she later told me, she didn't know if they were mature enough to handle a real scalpel.  The kids were doing fine with the instruments they were using (medical scissors and a pick), but at the very end, Henry asked if he could use the scalpel to cut just one thing.  She handed it to him thinking he would not be the kid to cut himself.  And then he did.  He nicked the top of his thumb.  He washed it immediately and then ran up to me asking if he had had his tetanus shot.  Yes.  We did give his thumb a few salt baths at home just to make sure it was really clean on the inside.  He's fine.  


Caroline did not have CC this week, but she did hang around all morning with other kids who were doing their memory master proofs.  In the afternoon, she was able to play at a friend's house until the boys were finished with their day.  This friend has a skateboard and a trampoline and Caroline is very fond of both.  

This weekend, Henry's friend came over while his parents went to a dinner with their Sunday school class.  We went to a new park (along with half the city because the weather was unbelievably nice).  They played with this unstable contraption.  

Then they did a lot of tag, the floor is lava, the floor is lava tag, and hide and seek.  It was a huge playground, so they had a lot of space to cover.  

Meanwhile, Josiah went to a high school function.  There, they had to make videos of themselves acting out Shakespeare's sayings.  They divided up into teams to make the videos.  Then they came together to watch them and see if the others could guess the saying.  Josiah's group had, breathe one's last, in a pickle, and a few others.

Caroline finished out the weekend by singing with her WAM friends at church this morning.  She is still a strong proponent of not doing the hand motions, but she sang well.  She was quite happy to get the top corner spot of the risers and she stood next to her favorite church friend as well.  

Benson enjoyed a new chew toy this week.  It's supposed to be the tug of war type, but he has zero interest in tug of war.  He just wants to chew instead.  

This is what end of semester math looks like in 5th grade.  Though not quite statements, the sentiment is there.  Clearly the imagination is not firing as hard as it was at the beginning of the year.  I wake up refreshed and excited to start my day of school in the a.m.  

We have another busy two weeks ahead of us as the kids finish out their CC semesters.  Caroline does not like us to count down how many weeks we have left of activities.  She's sad because it'll be the last of that particular thing forever.  

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