Sunday, September 21, 2014

Aye, Tea

Our week started off well with our CC school work. On Monday, Josiah stood in our entry way (pretending it was his stage) and he wanted to tell me everything he knew from school. In his recitation of all his memory work, he demonstrated to me that he knew more than I thought he did. So, that was an encouraging way to start the week. He picks up on the science memory work super fast; he enjoys the math, history, and geography as well. Our weak areas are English and Latin. This week our history sentence was about the Boston Tea Party. We read a very good children's book about it, which provided a lot of detail. I had the boys cut up "tea" and then stand on their picnic bench and throw it overboard as we recited the memory verse. We also made Mohawk (Indian) headbands with leaves Josiah found at church. Not authentic, but at least we were talking about the Boston Tea Party. We also tried tea. Josiah was not a fan which wasn't surprising. Henry drank all of his. Not surprising either. :)
Fingerprint art
Boston Tea Party by Josiah (Henry cut up his picture to make a puzzle)
We also made fingerprint art because that was his science experiment last week - studying fingerprints. This week, they did a lung capacity experiment. They filled a gallon jug with water, placed it upside down (still full) in a tub of water (pink hospital tubs), stuck a tube up it, and the kids had to blow as hard as they could into the tube and we'd mark a line to indicate how much air they blew into the jug, displacing the water. Very cool experiment and we could do that for years to come.

Henry was up at 5 a.m. several times this week. Never good for him. Of course one of those early days was our Friday CC school day. He was quite upset in the nursery, but I left him anyway (more like constant whimpering/crying, not wailing). After a while another mom told me he had fallen asleep on the floor. He's at that rough in between phase of needing a nap so he isn't overly tired and cranky in the afternoons, but at the same time when he takes a nap he doesn't go to bed very early and it seems to make him more tired the next day.
Good thing he's so cute.
Josiah was also very helpful around the house this week, doing chores without even being asked. He really wanted to go to Music & More on Wednesday night. He, of course, got to go and played the "stair bells" as he called them, but he said it looked like a xylophone. Henry played regular bells. I'm glad they enjoy it so much. We'd like to give them music lessons at some point. Josiah needs to work his way up to tuba after all.

Todd took the boys to see the Lego Movie at our local library. He said the library gave them each a little bag of popcorn. Josiah really liked it. Henry enjoys movies much like I do - with his eyes shut. He got a good nap in anyway.

The boys have taken to making their own sandwiches this week.  It is a white cheese sandwich with mayo and bread, sometimes turkey.  It is a test of patience every time (for me), but they really do enjoy making them.
This evening we played a couple of games of UNO with the boys. They had a lot of fun playing, but still need a few lessons on rules. Josiah tried to sneak in a second card underneath the card he was playing. It was as if he was channeling Grandpa. Henry has a lot to learn, because when he put the "wild" card down and he could change it to red/yellow/green/or blue, he picked red because that's Josiah's favorite color even though the only cards he had left were green and yellow. :)

And how could I forget about our little lady. She can now point to eyes and say "aye." She's good at poking our eyes over and over and over..."aye, aye, aye."
This morning before church, I said I wanted to take a picture and she goes straight to the fireplace, stands on it and says "eeeeeeesss." (cheese)
Yesterday we made the easiest fort ever. Two sheets, 30 seconds, and a set of bunk beds. Caroline laughed and giggled so much. It was a little too much fun. After both Henry and Caroline separately got fat lips, the sheets came down. Until next time...

Josiah's art still continues to amaze us. This morning, he was up at 5:45 a.m. and sat and worked on this picture until 7 a.m.

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