Sunday, September 28, 2014

Cold Water, Hot Air, Cranky Kids, Curly Hair

I would say it has been one tough week in the ol' homestead.  Last Sunday morning we noticed that there was no hot water.  It was clear right away because the water here is usually super hot.  We notified our property manager and it was not until Wednesday night that it got fixed.  The home warranty company did not want to pony up for a new hot water heater so they ended up paying $410 (less our $75) to fix a 1998 hot water heater.  Now to make it to next July without it rusting out on us!  We noticed it was hot in the house Wednesday night, but thought it might have been because we had people coming in and out all day and the attic was open.  But that was not the case.  The A/C isn't working either.  So we begin those phone calls on Monday.  It's been a sweaty, cranky weekend (85/86 degrees inside the house).  Caroline showed her disapproval of the circumstances through projectile vomiting Saturday night.  She did that a couple of times and finally went to bed around 10:30/11p.m.  Josiah showed his disapproval of the circumstances by waking up Sunday morning at 4:27a.m.  And once Josiah's up, he's up.  He does not go back to sleep.  Here is hoping the A/C gets fixed Monday and we have 3 kids that sleep well ALL night long.  And, no, we can't open the windows because some windows have no screens, and the ones that do usually have plant growth coming in from outside or holes.  It would be an invitation for bugs.
A benefit of a hot house - Caroline's hair curled up.  I should cut a few curls now to save!
The boys did build a fire truck at Lowe's on Saturday morning.  They insist on going with Todd all alone and will find things for Caroline and I to do together so that we don't go with them.  It's good they have their Daddy time and enjoy it so much.

Saturday afternoon the boys and I went to the library to get more books and a DVD.  Josiah wanted to watch the DVD as soon as we got home.  So, they sat down to watch it, and Henry, showing he truly is my child, did as I always do...again. He and I just cannot stay awake during movies.

Josiah and I tried to take a walk around the block this afternoon, but only made it 1/3 of the way down the street before heading back.  His bike had a broken/loose part that needed to be tightened and I was getting eaten alive by mosquitoes.  We really need to invest in some bug spray so we can go outside more, especially now that it is finally cooling off.

And can I just say how much I love small legos.  They are played with every day, enjoyed by all, and keep the boys entertained for an hour or more.  I love legos.

We had a very artistic week.  The first thing the boys did was make airplanes/gliders/rocket ships out of construction paper and a whole roll of tape.  I knew they were using a lot of tape, but didn't think they'd actually use the whole roll.  It did keep them entertained for a long time.  Although, Henry kept getting frustrated because he wanted his to fly, but he kept adding and adding to it to where it wouldn't glide anymore.  So, we added the hanger to help support the massive weight of construction paper and tape.  Here's hoping Costco puts Scotch tape on sale for the holiday season.
Josiah's alien rocket ship
Henry's "glider"
Henry is in his rainbow picture phase.  Sometimes it is an obvious rainbow, sometimes it is just colors and he describes it as a rainbow picture.

Our family.  Henry is the biggest.  
Josiah drew Looney Toon characters.  I love it when he draws because it is always so amazing what he can produce.  
Bugs Bunny
Daffy Duck
Tweety Bird
Marvin the Martian
The boys also sat at their picnic table one day, looked into my mirror and drew self portraits.  They both wanted to use the magnifying side, so they took turns with the big side and the regular side.  Josiah said the kids on Curious George did it.
Josiah's self portrait
Josiah's self portrait

Henry's self portrait
Henry's self portrait
And cutie Caroline saw I had the camera in my hand and jumped on the fireplace and said "cheese" again.  This week she has learned how to say "A" and "B" while reading her ABC food book.  She says "A, B" on every page, so it's not the letters she recognizes yet, but she does say the sounds very well.

And that is our week.  Cranky, Cold, Hot, Artistic, Happy, and Chaotic.  Typical week with 3 small kids I suppose.  And since, I didn't state it above, Caroline seems much better today after being sick last night.  Just a 24 hour bug it seems.

And one last picture. I am a bit stingy about printing things off the computer for the boys. We have gone through a lot of printer ink and it is expensive. Plus, they don't always color in the coloring sheets they just HAVE to have me print. So, this morning, Josiah drew his own coloring sheet and then colored it in.

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