Sunday, October 5, 2014

Cooler Temps Inside & Out

Our week started off with Todd's birthday.  The boys got him a Superman and a Batman shirt, which they were very excited to give him.  Josiah also drew him a Batman coloring book - several pages stapled together with pictures of Batman and other characters on the pages penned in ink so Todd can color them in.  I think the biggest gift of all was that our A/C got fixed that night.  Todd got about 50 mosquito bites on his legs while outside with the repair man, but at least our house went from 87 degrees that night to 78 degrees by the next morning.
Later this week, the man came back to fix our doorbell.  I would assume he has the owner's permission, but he said the old doorbell just didn't work and so he installed a new doorbell.  So now our front door has two doorbells, but only one works, and our hallway has two doorbell boxes, but only one works.  Ahhh, living in a rental.  :)

Caroline has figured out how to do her shape sorter this week.  She can actually figure out which shape goes in which space fairly quickly.  She likes to goof around with it, too, and hold the piece halfway through the hole and just look at me so I'll start getting excited for her, but then have to draw my excitement out.  She has also asked us to read the same 4-5 books over and over again.  They are the same 4-5 that the boys loved at her age, too.  She loves her ABC and her animal book.  All the books she likes have real life pictures, not artwork.  Today she was pointing at the animals in her book and making all sorts of noises.  It's really cool to watch her language develop. 
She loves when we listen to our school CD with our memory work on it for each week.  As soon as I turn on the CD player, she stops whatever she's doing to come to where it is and start dancing around the room.  She desperately tries to hop, too, but just can't get any air yet.  And she loves her goggles.
Blurry, but cute
We missed our CC group this week because Henry must have gotten Caroline's bug from last week and he got sick on Thursday.  He was super lethargic and throwing up, he took two naps on Friday, and woke up from the second one ready to eat and drink.  I was not so eager to have him eat and drink just yet, but he kept it all down from that point forward.  Now, hopefully Josiah doesn't get it.  Josiah would be heartbroken if we had to miss his CC group next week because we are doing our family presentation and he is super excited to do that.  (Me, not so much.)
Our 4 hour snuggle fest
While sickly Henry wanted to be held for 4 hours straight on Friday, Josiah and Caroline made a house.  Josiah didn't want Caroline to go in the green chair, "upper," portion of the house, so he cleverly directed her to go under the house and hang out there.  She thought it was super cool and they had a good time.  
The house - Caroline going in her "door"
Saturday the high was 78 (although our "feels like" temp is always 10 degrees higher than actual temp), so we took advantage of some cooler weather and went to a playground.  Henry said he didn't want to go because it was a park he was convinced he didn't want to play at.  Josiah, Caroline and I walked to it (the local elementary school playground), and they had a great time.  Caroline LOVES the slide.  Todd and Henry surprised us with some Hippo Ice.  What they do is puree fresh fruits (strawberries, mango, avocado, etc.), freeze it in big blocks, and then when you order it they shave it off. So, it is shaved pureed fruit and it is super good. Very smooth, creamy texture.  Of course, once Henry saw the playground we were at, he decided that indeed he did want to play.  The sun was a bit hotter than we anticipated and Todd went home with a red neck.  
She said "weeee" every time she went down the slide
Hippo Ice
Henry bounced back from his sickness and was himself this weekend.  He kept asking to watch Josiah's "eggo" video.  It took us a few tries to figure out he meant "Diego."  Now it's hilarious to hear him ask to watch Eggo all the time.  And he's never even experienced the joys of toaster waffles.  
Today, we decided to make stuffed apples as a family.  It was an Alton Brown recipe which was actually easy - not many of his are.  We all made the crumble part together, stuffed the apples, and baked them.  They were very good.  Josiah enjoyed his while Henry refused to eat his.  He told us in a defiant voice that he was NOT going to eat his.  We certainly didn't mind his refusing to eat what essentially was a sugar-filled apple.  Caroline couldn't have them (butter), so she licked a spoonful of peanut butter instead.  That wasn't exactly the plan for her, but alas that's where she ended up.  She was quite happy.
Cutting up butter (super exciting stuff)
Making the crumble with our fingers

The finished product - they looked better in person
And a peanut butter spoon...
We were able to take a walk this evening, too, which was nice.  We are so glad to have cooler weather.  The boys rode their tricycle and go-kart pedal thing.  Caroline strolled.  We were not eaten alive by mosquitoes either.  

Josiah is 5 going on 13 now.  After bath time every night he gets a comb and styles his hair.  He has requested that I don't cut it because he doesn't like it short.  So, I only trim around his ears so he can have more up top to "style."  Usually it is going all sorts of directions after he's combed it, but at least he has a huge grin on his face as he enjoys his accomplishment.

Costumes of the week -
Batman & Robin
Josiah also made a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Raphael.  Raphael did school with us one day and ate meals with us as well.  We officially need to buy more construction paper at this point.  They need to start making princess dresses for Caroline so we can use up our abundance of pink and purple paper. 
And a cute one of Henry and Caroline. Henry is all "ho, hum" with his underwear sticking out. Caroline looks like she's about to plow into him with excitement. (She did run around him.)

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