Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving "Lite" & Trimming the Tree

We started our week with a "fun" object lesson.  Josiah has been telling us for weeks now that he gets nothing, we give him nothing, he never gets anything.  On and on.  So we gave him what he thinks he gets.  Nothing.

In the pictures he doesn't look that upset, but he was quite upset for a good hour after the sheets went up.  Then he was super helpful and nice for the rest of the day.  It was really nice, but I had a much longer object lesson planned.  The sheets stayed up for 5 days.  Of course with little to do he and Henry wrestled a lot which made for a week of more than normal injuries.  At the moment the sheets are down and not much has changed.  So I have another idea for next week (more long term).

Unfortunately, Caroline did share her stomach bug with Henry and me.  Poor Todd finally gets a few days off of work and he's having to do all parenting/adult duties at home.  For Thanksgiving, Todd cooked the whole meal.  He aimed for it to be ready at 3 p.m.  He timed it perfectly and a few minutes after 3 p.m., he, Josiah, and I sat down to eat.
At 3:05 p.m., Henry and Caroline woke up from their naps.
By 3:15 p.m. Josiah, Caroline, and I were done with our food.
By 3:20 p.m., Henry was done.
All his hard work and it was over so quickly.  He did make a tasty meal.  I did ask what we were thankful for and Henry answered, "I'm thankful for Josiah...wait,, Josiah."

I have to brag on this little guy for just a bit.  Henry is a super sweet kid.  He is generous, funny, and sweet.  He will share pretty much whatever food he is eating.  When we play "Go Fish" he cheers when others get matches even when it means taking cards away from his hand.  He has a nice disposition.  He can still be as stubborn and head strong as any 3 year old, but he's super sweet. And, whenever Josiah is using the restroom for an extended period of time, he'll call Henry in to tell him a story.

Since we were stuck at home all week so we could stay close to our restroom facilities, we decided to put up our Christmas tree on Friday.  We failed our "patience test" of putting up the tree with 3 young kids who want to help with every detail.  However, once the tree was put together all the kids hung the ornaments.  It only took a couple of hours before Caroline let us know that even the "safe" ornaments need to be put up high.  So the top half of our tree is decorated and we have a few stragglers on the bottom for Caroline's pleasure.  The boys and I started to make a paper chain so they could see how many days until Christmas.  However, as we were making it, Henry asked if we could put the "garlic" around the tree and showed me what he meant.  He wanted garland.  So each boy made a really long chain and we decorated the top half again.

We did take advantage of one Black Friday sale.  After our sticker shock of paying full price for shoes last week, I wised up and bought all the kids summer shoes on Friday.  Now we pray I picked the right size.

And a funny story from Caroline.  Todd went to the store to get Gatorade and other provisions.  When he got home, Caroline is yelling "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy" over and over again.  I'm trying to shush her to be quieter.  Todd acknowledges her and she says to him, "Shhhh." because Henry's asleep.  I guess the "Shhhhh" negated all the yelling out of "Daddy."

Hopefully next week will be much more exciting since we're all on the mend now.

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