Sunday, January 18, 2015

Does Ca-Co sell Wogs?

Our week started with a Monday morning 6 year old check-up for Josiah.  He freaked out when he learned he would get a shot.  Henry was sitting next to him on the doctor's table and just started to hug him and not let go.  Henry got down for the shot (so the nurse and I could hold Josiah down) and after it was over, Henry says to Josiah, "See, it didn't hurt a lot."  We'll see if Henry's saying the same thing when it's his turn in February!  I do appreciate how well they are able to comfort each other.  Often when one is in trouble at home, the other will go and tell them "it's all right" and comfort them/stay with them.
The shot must have worn Josiah's body out, because he felt "sick" all week (although there were no symptoms).  He and Henry both took naps two days this week!  It is not often that I get all 3 kids sleeping at the same time during the day.

I think the boys got to sleep in our bed more this week than Todd or I

For his presentation at school this week, Josiah spoke about Mt. St. Helens.  He and Henry still love Mt. St. Helens.  He brought in a library book and showed pictures and explained what happened.  It was his best presentation to date.  He got into character voices only a little bit when he was speaking about Harry R. Truman and how he said "Oh phooey" to the news media.  It was so enjoyable.

Friday at CC was also a very nice day so we got to spend a lot of time on the playground after school.  Caroline surprised us with some gymnastic moves.  They have a metal frame play car there and she hung from the metal frame and swung her body back and forth.  It wasn't just a small swing, though, she looked like a gymnast swinging to get to a high bar.  She was shocking quite a few of us adults.  She did take one tumble and cut her lip, but even then she only sat in my lap for 15 seconds before squirming back down to try it again.

Caroline is starting to express her own desires more and more.  She now wants to pick out her own clothes.  Then she wants to put them on herself.  Since she is unable to do this on her own, she will run around in a diaper for half an hour every morning.  This may be a good thing as we might potty train her soon.  We got her a potty that sits on the floor so she can access it much easier than the big toilets.  She sat on it for quite a while tonight as the boys serenaded her in the bathroom.  Josiah on his tin whistle and Henry on the harmonica.  Every 30 seconds, "Did you pee Caroline?"  She also asks to pray every evening, too.  It took us a while to catch on to what she was saying, but she says, "I pay, I pay."  Then she bows her head and says, "uhhhhhhhh" for a really long time and then says "Amen."  My favorite new word of the week from her is "Costco," but it sounds like "Ca-Co."  I don't remember how I figured out what she was saying, but once I said Costco her face lit up and she said, "Mommy Ca-Co."  She is our daughter.  :)

She has really taken a liking to her baby dolls.  She really likes the one that she got at Christmas that has a hard head.  She now has tried to change its (nonexistant) diaper, swaddle it in her blanket, and take her for a ride in her stroller.  One night, as I was snuggling Henry in his bed, I could hear her singing in her bed and then she kissed her baby three times on the head before turning in for the night.
Her baby
She still has to do everything the boys do.  This week they made balloon men.  I left the room for a minute and came back to Caroline drawing a face on her balloon with a marker just as the boys had.
da boys
You can see her smeared green marker on her balloon, pants, and hand.
Henry has been into the Ninja Turtles more this week.  He's been drawing pictures of them and dressing up as much as he can like them.  He kept coming up to me saying he needed a "wog."  I had no idea what he was talking about.  I finally figured out he was the purple one who carries a staff/long stick.  So I asked him if that's what he meant.  He said, "yes, a wog."  A Log.  That durn "L" sound.
His "wog" even though he's wearing the blue mask at this point.
For his birthday, Josiah got a How to Draw Super Heroes book.  It teaches how you start off with just circles, lines, squares, etc. and build up from that.  He followed the instructions and drew Spiderman.  I was impressed!  He gave it to Todd to hang in his office.

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