Sunday, January 11, 2015

Josiah is 6!

Josiah and Henry got a Batman/The Flash/The Riddler Lego set for Christmas and we wouldn't allow them to put it together until we got back to Texas because it was a decent size kit and we didn't want to risk losing any of the pieces.  I told Josiah we could do it on Monday.  3:30 a.m. Monday morning Josiah wakes up, comes in our room, and says he's ready to make the Lego kit.  I think I got him to stay in bed until 5, but I don't know how much sleep happened during that time.  I have never met such an early bird.  He did make the Batmobile that morning and fortunately it made it through the week without breaking and that was his presentation at CC on Friday.  He can't seem to do a presentation there without getting into character voices.  We practiced all week what 5 points he was going to say about the Batmobile.  He knew it well.  Then when he got up to present, all of a sudden he starts doing voices for Batman and making a whole mini-play out of the presentation.  When I encouraged him to wrap it up, he started the presentation that we practiced.

Henry had a rough start to his week.  On Monday, he did not want to eat the vegetables on his plate at dinner.  Instead of calmly saying, "I would not like to partake of my vegetables this evening," he flipped his plate over, dumping the contents on our table.  Then he grabbed two big handfuls of the vegetables and squeezed the life out of them.  I was not going to stand for that, so he went to bed without dinner that night.  We've never done that before, but there was no way I was backing down with that!  He kept telling us that he was starving.  I told him that if he was truly starving he would have been glad to have vegetables on his plate and eaten them right away to satisfy his grumbling stomach.  He didn't buy it.  And usually he's the kid that eats every meal well.

The past couple of weeks he has also slipped into regression mode.  He all of a sudden does not want to do anything for himself.  He acts like he cannot dress himself, go to any room of the house by himself, go to the bathroom by himself, everything.  It's a bit frustrating (for both of us I'm sure).  One night he fell asleep on the couch, because we got too tired of bringing him back to his bed over and over again.  Here's hoping he snaps out of this phase soon.

Caroline has become quite loving towards everyone.  She now walks around and kisses each of us.  Sometimes she hugs us, too.  She waves at everyone.  We took a walk down the block earlier in the week and as some lawn guys were driving away (with their windows down), she yells, "Bye Bye!" and waves.  They waved back.  We went out for a walk that day because when she woke up in the morning, she started saying the word, "outside" over and over.  When we pass by the playground at the elementary school, she'll point and say, "Weeeee."  (she likes to slide)  Her favorite past time this week has to be using the potty.  She says, "I pee. I pee." a lot.  And while I would love to have her potty-trained early, the idea of starting that now seems tiring.  The end result is great, but the process isn't much fun.  So I take her to the potty.  She sits for 3-5 seconds, hops off, washes her hands, goes to where her diaper is, looks at me and says "I pee" again.  She will go sit on the potty as many times in a row as I let her.  She's yet to do anything, but I'm hoping one of these times she does.  The cycle ends when I get tired of holding her on the potty and being held hostage in the bathroom.  She retaliates by twisting all around so I can't put a diaper on her.  It's a fun time.

We did have a fun family game invented by Josiah.  We opened Caroline's tea set that she got at Christmas.  We had a few tea parties, but the boys know I like my coffee (a lot).  So, Josiah set up a Starbucks drive-thru with our dining room chairs.  I would order at the first window and pick up my drink at the second.  Henry would usually get in my "car" with me so he could get a cake pop (usually the wooden stick of butter from their kitchen).  We did that a lot and it was funny to hear Josiah use the words "grande nonfat caramel latte" or "chai tea latte."

We ended our week with Josiah's 6th birthday!  It is so hard to believe he is six already.  He choose Froot Loops for breakfast which is always a good way to start the day.  Todd changed them to Groot Loops.  Dinner was pizza because he had a Ninja Turtle cake and the Ninja Turtles like pizza.  We spent the morning at church and we spent 3 1/2 hours in the afternoon making his Lego plane kit that he got.  It was a kit for 8-12 year olds and they weren't kidding.  It is very cool, with gears that move the propellers, but it was a lot of work.  Todd and I took shifts helping him make it.  It is now a toy only he can play with (at least for a while) since Henry got a turn to play with it and unfortunately it had a crash landing (on purpose).  Caroline was happy to play with Josiah's balloons and the bubble wrap from his packages from both sets of grandparents.

The plane
6 already!
Showing her dessert - a dry gluten-free, dairy-free, crumbly cookie.  I really need to start baking for her.
And our crafts of the week.
We did the Peanuts.  Josiah made Snoopy,  Henry did Charlie Brown.  I was commissioned to do Woodstock which I tried to do without taking my scissors off the page - one long cut (kind of like getting all the skin off the apple without breaking it).  Hence the legs are a bit off.
Henry did his Charlie Brown totally on his own.
Henry made Robin of which he was really proud.  He told me what a good job he had done through tears tonight after Caroline ripped it in half.
The yellow part is his cape.

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