Sunday, February 8, 2015

Lots and Lots of Singing

Last week I was struggling with homeschooling a bit.  I had wondered if maybe CC was not the best curriculum for us and began to look into different curricula.  Then at CC I was able to talk with other moms and hear how they homeschool and it was encouraging.  Then this week, the boys have been singing the CC songs (history sentences mostly) all week long.  Josiah knows all the history sentences thus far, but I hadn't realized how much Henry has picked up.  Even Caroline has picked up on saying, "Yee-haw." at the beginning of one of the songs.  This weekend, in particular, they were singing them a lot.  All throughout Costco yesterday and then this afternoon while we were working on yet another Lego project.  It got to the point that I wanted to yell, "Please stop singing!" but knew better and was just happy they are singing school lessons all on their own.  So now I have some wind in my homeschooling sails that we can do this adventure.

Josiah was thrilled on Wednesday when he received his new Awana Sparks handbook.  He has carried it around with him everywhere and he wants to catch up to earn all the patches, jewels, etc.  He already has three verses memorized for this coming Wednesday.  He is set to receive his vest this week and he speaks of it on a near constant basis.  "Mommy, did you know I'm getting my vest on Wednesday?"  Yes, yes, I did.  I have a feeling it will be worn all day, every day for quite a while.

Josiah was quite excited to go to church this morning because they had animals from the Houston Zoo there.  We guessed that they would have an owl since a lot of their puppets and coloring sheets have owls on them.  They brought a spotted owl, a hedgehog, bat skeleton, alligator head (??), lion skull (I'm told it was small), snake skin, and a sea turtle (but I think it was dead).  Caroline had to stay home from church since she has a cold and Henry requested to stay with her because he's scared of animals, although I think he would have had a fine time.  Josiah found his suit hanging on our elliptical yesterday and was very, very happy to wear it today.  We had to give him some khakis since the suit is a size 4T, but he rocked the top.  Of course, he had to wear his tie and he really wanted to wear the coonskin hat, but we told him it probably wouldn't be a good idea for an owl to see a coonskin hat.  He had a great time with the animals.  He was even disappointed that I picked him up early from his class (church let out early).
On the way to church, Josiah always notices CiCi's Pizza and asks to go there.  So this afternoon we went for lunch.  I think Josiah and Henry stared at the TV the whole time and mindlessly ate their pizza.  Not exactly a fine dining experience.  The funny part about our lunch, though, is that Todd came home and put his lunch into his My Fitness Pal and realized that he only had 5 calories left for the rest of the day.  So he ate a dinner that was 90% spaghetti squash.  Mmmmm.  (I didn't do much better though.)

Caroline has had a cold and that's messed up her sleeping a bit.  Sometimes it is hard to tell if it is teething or a cold or what.  Although she appears to have all her teeth.  Maybe they're just getting into place all the way.  However, in a slightly unrelated topic, she loves haircuts.  So every time I give Todd a haircut, she has to have one first.  Lately, since I do not want to actually cut her hair, I take the back side of the electric razor and put it against the top of her head and move it around a little.  So she feels the vibration and thinks something's being done.  I know that one of these days I'll slip and probably cut off a chunk of hair and make her look funny and she'll never want another haircut again.  But until that day, this is her joy on the "barber" chair (stepstool).

This last picture doesn't look like much, but this represents all three children being quiet and entertaining themselves while I cooked dinner.  It's a rarity, so I took a picture to cherish it for years to come.  Remember that day?...

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