Sunday, February 1, 2015

Super Sunday

While New England got pounded with snow this week, we enjoyed temperatures in the mid-70s.  Even today, it reached 77!  It is hard to remember what month we are in sometimes.  Josiah is really enjoying the new church we are attending.  He loves the GIGL (Growing in God's Love) program Sunday morning.  I went with the boys this morning to see what it was all about and to see why Henry did not like it last week.  It was quite a production.  They have a stage and singing, dancing, a Bible lesson, videos.  It was a lot of entertainment.  Henry said he liked it now and would go back next time.  Josiah was very, very happy that he was able to start Awana this week.  He has to wait a few weeks to get his vest and new book, but he talks about it all the time.  When he and I left for Awana Wednesday evening, Caroline burst into tears.  Todd said that Henry asked him for a tissue to wipe away her tears.  He is so good with her.  Caroline is getting more empathetic as well.  Now, when someone hurts themselves, she will go up to that person and say, "Ok? Ok?"  She has also figured out how to say "Henry" although it sounds like "ren-ry."  Now she refers to herself as "dada" which had previously been what she called Henry.

For school this week, we made a big graph of our shoes.  It dawned on me that our tile floor is much like graph paper and the boys gathered one of every type of shoe and we graphed boots, sandals, & sneakers.  Then we made a hop scotch board out of the tiles and played hop scotch.  However, Josiah decided that merely playing it would be too easy, so he gave us a Bible question that we had to answer correctly before taking our turn.  Some questions he asked me were, "Did David kill Goliath?" Yes.  I got to go.  Next question, "Did the bird eat the seeds?"  "Yes," I answered.  "No, I don't think it did," says Josiah.  So I didn't get to go.  He quizzed himself for his turns.  He got them all correct.  It took some time, but they also learned to throw underhand when playing hop scotch.  Not to toss the object (little plane) as far as possible overhand.  Good life lessons are learned here.
Our amazon package arrived in the mail this week, so the boys got to try out our new school items.  One was geoboards.  The are little 6"x6" squares with pegs on them.  You use geobands (glorified colored rubber bands) to make shapes/designs on the geoboards.  The other thing was a box of wooden shaped blocks with template boards to make designs.  They loved the wooden blocks and played with them for several days for a fair amount of time.
Josiah also got a birthday present from his cousins halfway around the world - Zoob inventor.  The boys loved them!  (Thank you Fred & Jen.)  They made people, giraffes, robots, the Star Wars ship, the beginnings of a helicopter, and much more.  I love these types of toys that fosters creativity.
Working on the Star Wars ship

The boys were wearing their Texans shirts since it was "jersey day" at church.

Our art projects of the week:
Josiah made Dusty using a lot of staples

Henry made Windlifter using a lot of tape

Caroline insisted on me taking her picture while she was eating her noodles

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