Sunday, February 14, 2016

Bubbles, Boats, and Valentine's

Henry and Caroline had a blast with bubbles in the bathtub while Josiah was at Trail Life.  They were blowing the bubbles on eachother's bellies and when they stuck on their skin, they both thought it was hilarious.  I got a great video of their belly laughs.  Of course, then they smacked the bubbles to pop them, so they were smacking each others bellies.  After a while the smacks got a little too rough and the bubbles got put away.
Caroline has been having more accidents lately, mostly because she does not want to stop having fun to use the facilities.  One evening this week, she was running to the bathroom, holding herself, announcing, "I have to go pee.  I have to go pee. I have to go pee."  She reached the bathroom and I heard, "Uh oh." followed by, "Mommy, don't come in the bathroom."  At least she makes it to the tile floors before having her accidents.  Easy clean-up.

Caroline has also been refining her operating skills.  She spent some time playing the Operation game.  It sounded a bit like the lawn guys outside when they are blowing the leaves/grass.  "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (1/2 second pause) Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (1/2 second pause) Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  I got it!"
While Caroline was playing Operation, the boys entertained themselves with Battleship.  They didn't actually play a game of Battleship, though.  They each set up their boards and then sent SOS messages to help rescue the Titanic.  Henry surrounded all five of his ships with icebergs (white pegs).  Fortunately, global warming came to the rescue, melting his icebergs and releasing his ships from the grip of death.  I wouldn't want to play a game against Henry anyway, because his ships had a tendency to wander.  He showed me how his Carrier went from Row B all the way down to Row J.  The tides just took him there, I suppose.  I'll have to remind him to anchor-down when we play.

We learned about Chinese characters in school this week.  How in Ancient China they started as pictograms and evolved to characters.  We practiced writing several real characters.  Then we got to create our own.  I created the ever-simple "book."  Josiah got a bit more involved in his writing...

The boys got their entrepreneurship streak back this week.  They wanted to sell me their artwork, but at least this time they asked me first what I wanted them to draw.  I picked the generic "boats" and here's what they came up with.  Henry drew a boat on fire at night.
It cost me $1 a picture, but they're worth it.  :)

Todd and I are not big Valentine's Day people.  It's hard to buy into the overly-commercialized, let's pay three times the amount for flowers because it's Feb 14th deal.  However, we do have children who love all things holidays, especially the eldest.  So, being the good dad that he is, Todd took the boys to the doughnut shop this morning and let them each pick out a doughnut.  And Josiah, being the kid that he is, picked the biggest thing in the shop - a giant cinnamon roll.

While Todd and I agreed to not get each other anything, he still whipped out one of the best gifts ever.  :)  We love us some amazon (ladies).

Why, yes, I think I will take $100 for myself.  :)  Happy Valentine's Day!

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