Sunday, February 21, 2016

Cavities and Company

The boys had an amazing Monday.  Their friend from CC, Abby, came over to play.  Before she even arrived, Josiah had made her a card with one of his precious seashells taped to it.  They had made decorations and taped them around the house on walls, doors, and windows.  They were excited.  It ended up being a very long playdate, but definitely an enjoyable one.  They have asked daily since then to invite her back over.  When she and her mom did leave, Josiah loaded Abby up with cookies and a stuffed animal, and a water bottle for her mom.  He is our hospitable kid for sure.

Josiah proved his bravery on Tuesday when he got three cavities filled!  He was definitely nervous about it and we prayed for him to be brave before we got there.  When he was in the chair, he heard the hygienist open all the equipment behind him.  He peeked over his chair and nervously, quietly asked, "What's that?"  The very nice hygienist, with the equally awesome name of Erin, explained what all the instruments were used for.  She calmed his nerves a lot through her explanations.  Then he sat very still for all the work.  The dentist kept telling him how awesome he was doing.  At the end, the hygienist said he could come any day, not for fillings, but just to hang out.  :)  We definitely found a good dentist!

Meanwhile, Henry and Caroline had their first experience with a babysitter in our home!  I figured it was best not to have them witness Josiah getting his cavities filled.  I called up a girl that worked the CC nursery last year and fortunately she was available.  When I was describing her to Henry, he kept asking me, "Is she the red one or the white one?"  This made absolutely no sense to me - it clearly did not identify skin tone or hair color.  After she left (and all went well), I asked Henry if the babysitter was who he thought it would be.  His reply, "She was the red one, not the white one." (He was gunning for the white one.)  It took a game of 21 Questions with him, but I think we got it nailed down to what she wore last year.  One of the nursery workers wore white, and this particular girl wore red.  Yet, he was in the nursery 24 different Fridays last year....   He also told me that he had too much fun, but offered no further explanation.  It is good to now have someone on hand that the kids (and I) are comfortable with!  Rodeo concerts here we come.  :)

The boys wanted to pretend to be Angry Birds and sleep in their "nest" in the playroom.  We put them in there at 7:30 p.m.  I timed it to see how long they'd last.  Not quite half an hour and they were all in their own beds.  Although, Caroline got kicked out early on because she wouldn't stop talking and moving around.  The boys each came out on their own because, shockingly, it was uncomfortable.
This is how they were attempting to sleep...
I have never been real confident in my cooking skills.  We eat meals.  I cook meat.  It's cooked all the way through; sometimes it's cooked through all the way and then some.  And yet, kids seem to know just what to say to boost that confidence up a notch.  For dinner Friday, we had chicken with leftover gravy, leftover spaghetti, and some sort of vegetable combo that folks just pushed around.  Josiah kept saying, "Mmmmm." as he ate.  Then he said, "Wow. This is good. I think you cook better than the chefs in prison do."  Thank you, son.  Thank you.

Caroline's phrase of the week:
"You never let me do anything."
She's 2.

A little shout-out to the person who first thought it was a good idea to put a rubber strip at the front of the vacuum cleaner. Much appreciated, friend. Good invention.

Our sweet boy Henry turns 5 this week!  He has been counting down to this day since Josiah's birthday, so he will be one excited boy come tomorrow morning. We bought the boys new bike helmets because they just keep growing! Henry doesn't know it yet, but his will come in handy tomorrow when he sees his new bike!

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