Sunday, April 10, 2016

Arts & Crafts and Messy, Messy Days

This week was filled with arts and crafts.

Caroline can be hit or miss when we do school together.  Sometimes it is completely necessary to have her out of the school room so that we can focus on the assigned task.  Other times she insists on participating with us no matter what it is.  And then there are those in-between times.  If she is given paper, old magazines, scissors, and a glue stick, she is able to sit quietly for a good bit of time.  She loves to cut and glue.
When I bought the boys their pastels, I had no clue how messy they were.  I could see that they were similar to chalk in consistency, but I really did not know what a gigantic mess they could make.  Henry drew seven pictures while Josiah only finished four or five.  The pastel dust was everywhere - all over the table, their clothes, arms, heads, just everywhere.  But they love them, so I just gritted my teeth knowing it would all clean up in the end.
As if the pastels were not bad enough, the boys asked for the billionth time to use the finger paints.  They've been asking for probably two years now and I've always said, "I don't have the special paper to use for it."  I promise, that was a truth.  I have even looked for it, but haven't found it.  I did spend the better part of last weekend cleaning up the homeschool room and found a big roll of  thick paper that they could use, so I conceded.  There is no way on God's green earth that I could be an art teacher.  I just cringed (internally) through it all.  More clothes washed, more bodies bathed.  
Henry spent a lot of the week coloring.  He did not want to be interrupted with it, either.  He just sat quietly working through a Bible activity book for days.  Since he is beginning to learn to read, he is always trying to figure out the directions in the activity books.  He's got the color-by-number pages down.
 Josiah made himself and his siblings Honey Nut Cheerio Bee making kits.  They looked pretty good.  Josiah has been making characters/mascots/etc. like these for a long time.  And they all have to get laminated.
"Time to build Tim the Bee"
Josiah's Bee
We finished our week by doing the Texas Children's Hospital Fun Run.  They have two race routes: the 1k and the 3k.  The boys were telling us all week long that they wanted to do the shorter route.  I think it was because they wanted to finish to get to the snacks and fun at the end.  While waiting in line to start, Todd noticed the Texans cheerleaders.  I snapped a picture and he informed me I could get a better one when we got closer up.
So, I took one when we got closer.  Cool shoes.
Caroline had a rough start to the race.  She tripped and fell twice right off the bat.  The second time, Todd tripped over her because she went down so fast.  But she got up and after that the kids all ran really well.  All 1k of it.

In keeping with last year, they stopped again at the hydration station at the 1/2k mark.  They all medaled, because they're awesome.
Lots of free snacks were enjoyed at the end and then we had a sea of inflatables in front of us.  The lines were not bad at all, so there were quite a few that they would play in and then immediately get back in line.

We left with a lot of swag.  I asked the kids what they enjoyed the most about it.  Henry said he liked the running best, "because it is healthy."  (He's all about "healthy" now because of a PBS game online called Fizzy's Lunch Lab with the evil villain, "Fast Food Freddie.")
Caroline's favorite of the day was the school bus ride.  The shuttle we took from the parking lot to the race.  Can you tell they're homeschool kids?
On the bus!
The kids' new plates arrived in the mail.  Josiah's plates had the latest movie themes, "Superman vs. Batman" and "Captain America (Ironman): Civil War."
Henry went the superhero route as well.
Caroline liked brown.

Henry finished his week with some ice cream.  I gave him the bowl.  He walked into the dining room, turned off the light, and sat down to eat it.  He has a fear that if he eats ice cream with the lights on that it'll melt.  He sure is cute.

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